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Favorite Gingerwood Character Poll

  • Eclair 769
  • Andie 701
  • Mochabelle 305
  • Praline 225
  • Macaron 120
  • Sphinx 296
  • Celestine 179
  • Sphinx 213
  • Gorgon 219
  • The Werewolf Boys 211
  • Gorgon 124
  • Highland Minotaur 89
  • Catgirl Waitress 277
  • 2024-03-30
  • —2024-04-03
  • 3728 votes
{'title': 'Favorite Gingerwood Character Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Eclair', 'votes': 769}, {'text': 'Andie', 'votes': 701}, {'text': 'Mochabelle', 'votes': 305}, {'text': 'Praline', 'votes': 225}, {'text': 'Macaron', 'votes': 120}, {'text': 'Sphinx', 'votes': 296}, {'text': 'Celestine', 'votes': 179}, {'text': 'Sphinx', 'votes': 213}, {'text': 'Gorgon', 'votes': 219}, {'text': 'The Werewolf Boys', 'votes': 211}, {'text': 'Gorgon', 'votes': 124}, {'text': 'Highland Minotaur', 'votes': 89}, {'text': 'Catgirl Waitress', 'votes': 277}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 3, 20, 44, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 30, 5, 1, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 3728}


Gonna be doing some quick polls this week to see how people feel about certain storylines and casts. You're free to pick just one character, your top 3, or top 5 as you like!

You can also mention in the comments the sorts of stories you'd like to see more in the Gingerwood setting! Monsters you'd like to see researched or monsters you'd like to see return!



Poor highland minotaur. So underappreciated.


I love the stories where you highlight something that no one had really thought about. My favorite was when it turned out that medusas like shoulder massages because their head is so heavy due to the snakes. It's just something that places a fictional monster in the real world so much. One thing I would be very interested in is your take on plant-based monsters, like mandragoras, jidras, barometzes, ents. Are their reproductive systems in any way compatible with the more human-like sentient races? Can you have sex with it or not?