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Confession here: I don't know where I stand on AI yet. Sometimes its blinding hate, sometimes its admiration; sometimes curiosity...

I hadn't touched the stuff in months, but this week I got suddenly obsessed with feeding in prompts for all the cancelled She Hulk movies over the decades, the Brigette Neilsen one, the Gabrielle Reece one, and then I started experimented with what if such a movie could have landed an A-List female star in the 80s/90s. All the images were crap and not fit for posting--I have no idea how to get to the professional-level quality stuff I see online--but they scratched an itch. Now I think I have two new stories to put on the queue and one scene at least I had to sketch up right away.

So maybe this post is AI-inspired? Yay AI? Ugh, felt dirty writing that...




It’s a pretty sexy mid-TF actually