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published Feb 1st, publicized as of Feb 14th (took a week longer for Connoisseurs/Masters 2 week early access)


First thing you see is Juni deer getting ready to pole dance behind the stage and then next thing you know you're in her bedroom.

So this was an amazingly fun pic to work on. So a little backstory, I went to art college for concept and character design, and I learned about something called thumbnailing. school was a waste of time and money lol, but that was a lesson I only relearned recently. this pic came about from sketching juni deer basically in a ton of fun hot sexy poses, and this was the one that I liked the most, folding open these curtains ;3

So this isnt really the first ever alts i've done, other than cum alts. my gf got the idea that she should be in her pent house bedroom and behind a stage, so basically a BG alt. Originally I wanted to only do behind the stage but I later then said eff it. Let's make both, and it was actually pretty fun to do. Making alts is easy, from doing these, I learned a more efficient way I can do outfit alts, which is just draw them nude first and then play dress up on a different layer. ez. I'll probably do more BG alts in the future too even if they're much more difficult cuz it's really fun to recontextualize a painting based off of it's setting.

So like I mentioned, Juni deer invites you to the back stage for some fun time before its her turn to pole dance, That "fun" is really up to you, the viewer. and then because she likes u so much next thing you know is that you wake up and see her clearing the curtains and it's 8 am and time for morning sex~

In the club she has latex thigh highs and arm warmers and thongs, and in her bedroom she has her fancy white lacey lingerie she likes to sleep in sometimes, both with fun high heels ;3

now that i'm back from my short break and am happy with my art again, i hope you'll enjoy this painting. next will either be juni sitting on your chest, shay or maxie femboy fridays or some colored Lili. haven't decided yet lol. also expect a patreon tier rework soon!!



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