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here's the most recent WIP of Shay's Femboy Fridays!! i think this is only a 2nd one, cuz i've been chipping away and working at this slowly so it never felt like i could post progress yet. but today, i finished Shay so i thought it'd be time to share it!

so anyways for this WIP, like previously said Shay is done! well, as done as she can be, i'll always be giving her little details until i decide to post it, but everything on her body, outfit, and tiny details are done! hopefully now you can see what her outfit is supposed to be, or rather what it isn't. there's almost nothing covering her! her skirt cuts down right the middle to show off her bulge. i also added the laces on all her clothing; skirt, bra, headdress etc. any more details will be like making her bulge better or hair better, but she's basically done as is.

all that is left is the BG! it's still a little tentative on what i'm gonna put, but i'm mostly certain. 95% chance, that it's gonna be hella detailed lol. Juni and Celia will be about serving as well, maybe to some peoples sitting outside, cafe logo on the window, and showing a downtown setting of buildings and cars. i say that could change, cuz that would take as long of a time to draw as Shay herself, and well i wanna get onto her other pics too cuz i'm getting a little burnt out on this pic. just a lil. so basically..... the BG will be detailed with nice cafe adornments and logos, other characters, and a cityscape. only variable is how detailed

and here's my favorite part. this was Auri's idea to post. these are the two Femboy Fridays of Shay. left is Shay's first time i tried this sketch (June 4th 2021) compared to my most recent WIP (March 19th 2022). so just about 9 1/2 months later of crafting my artstyle and trying new stuff, I have this new WIP of Shay. and it's honestly REALLY cool to see lol. the old WIP is so... bland and colorless. it's still hot, but compared to how vibrant and expressive my new artstyle is?... yea i'm really proud of this WIP so far lol. seeing that sort of progress is what's kept me motivated honestly

so yea, this piece is almost done! can't really give a date when it could be cuz idk but. yea :) close to finishing



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