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MOAR SHORK SKETCHES CUS I LOVE SHORKS. As per usual I will start from the left to right.

We got Maxie wearing a outdoors-y tactical jacket and very very short shorts. She's got a big gun case slung on her left shoulder bc one of her past time activities is going down to the shooting range and just plink away. The metal targets make funny plink sound haha. and right next to that pic we got her acting all shy and her shy tick is to cover her face with the comically oversized collar. What's she so shy about you may ask? Well she's a dead eye and everyone is complimenting her marksmanship.

On the bottom left we got Maxie in her makeshift cardboard tank lol.  It's what she does when she gets card bored. . .AS it turns out it might be a really good sticker piece. I really liked it, and I would personally put that on my computing device, or liquid drink carrier in my honest opinion.

Right next to that we got Lili in her MMA gear. She loves to spar in her free time and she's really good at taking down her opponents. I wonder why. totally not bc she's like 6' 4' and super muscular. Gee I wonder why. She's wearing a tight tank tops and tight leggings. Also it's cuz she likes the feeling of being strong

Then anotha vehicle practice. On the bottom right I already forgot the name of this obscure three wheeled truck but its from Mitsubishi. Later on I found there was a better and more popular model from Mazda. I may draw that one later on heh cus its kyoot. there's just something really funny about a stupid truck that has 3 wheels lol

And on the top, I like making cute things dangerous so I added a DSHKA 12.7mm machine gun on the back. I sketched Lili manning the machine gun and Sonya is driving the truck, because well why the heck not I'm not gonna be arrested for drawing it huh.



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