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Starting from the left to right, We have Shay with a custom Deer Bean model resting on her head. It is modeled after Auri lol, bc the glasses and hair and A model stamp on its head. It is programmed to sit on Shay's head and act like a hat when it really isnt a hat. I drew it just for fun, It's funny to me and if you dont find it funny, i'm very extremely sorry omg ;w;. no jk it's not that big a deal

And then the next pic where Auri deer bean is firing a laser to protecc Shay from her boolies. she remains emotionless, as is the same in real life. no jk again, fooled you again lol. i thought it'd be funny if she remained emotionless with her :3 face, even when in combat mode

In the middle of the sketch pages we got a very cartoonized version of my own style. Originally instead of Loona, I drew Auri with the mac11's But I felt as if tho that was not really Auri-core so I settled with whatever I drew yesterday. It has that really heavy stylization from Panties and Stockings and Garterbelt but yet so much different bc It's my own. it's tactical Looona :3c And then right on the bottom shes firin at some cherubs in a heated demon x angel battle or somethin idk we don't do stories here.

then we got Taylor the racer Bwunny in middle of running to her car eagerly getting ready to race. This pose is ripped right out of some Anime figurine I've seen on amazon or somethin I dont remember. But yea I really like that butt shot its nice idk, i just wanted to draw her butt idk 



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