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so here's a cute sketch I idea had!! sorta. well my GF had the idea but i embellished it :3c anyways, it's Maxie shooting her Barett 98B for the very first time while training and Lili is training her. Lili mostly trains CQC and her new mechanics, but since it's Maxie she really wants to train her lil femboy bro. anyways, Maxie shot a round and completely missed her shot. she tried pulling back on the bolt to get a new bullet, but she has cute tiny weak little femboy arms, so she can't pull back the bolt at all. it's hard for everyone, she just needs practice :3c 

then on the bottom panel, is Lili pulling back the bolt without barely trying. i mean, part of it is her giant awesome hot sexy muscles, but she knows the trick is to pull back the bolt real quick and not battle with it. Maxie's super jealous, but she'll learn quick :D. this was really all i drew, but i thought it was a cute concept regardless, and seeing them in their sexy combat outfits is pretty hot. i think if i'd make a 3rd panel, it would be Lili hyping Maxie up to try it and her succeeding. but idk i'm still proud of this :3c. it may not be any specific practice other than skimpy tactical outfits and guns, but drawing character depth is nice, especially Maxie and Lili cuz their dynamic is rly fun to me :>

also, i practiced some deer beans on the top left too! i made a few left-handed, and a lot of them were just to practice the design and getting my left handed worked up. i really really like the 2nd from bottom one, it looks like a genuine pet in some weird anime to me lol. sweet deer bean 



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