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So if you all have seen my Patreon activity, or rather my lack-there-of, it's obvious that I haven't been posting a lot in about the last 3-4 weeks, and I feel it is necessary to be transparent with you guys and let you know what's going on since you're paying for art that you basically aren't getting. I have not been posting as frequently due to a bad mental headspace I was in. I felt rather burnt out so I decided to slow down posting a little to re-evaluate what is going on and how I can improve for the future. 

I spent a considerable amount of time and effort, and a lot of my mental fortitude to finish Celia's Femboy Fridays and my Halloween set on time, and I basically lost steam trying to start up Christmas and get out a whole set of each of Santa's Deers. I really wanted to post these right on Christmas time, but because of my poor time management I had to shaft Patreon Polls and Commission slots, and even that wasn't enough to get Christmas Deers out in time without working 10-14 hour days everyday. I'm sorry everyone for taking away those means of support and art because of my own failures. 

After this stress of realizing Christmas Deers will inevitably be late, pushing Patreon Polls, Commissions, and other Personal Projects to the side, it really overwhelmed me and made me question why I was doing art in the first place. I won't lie, I lost sight of what I wanted out of art and what I wanted to achieve over the last few years, solely caused from working long hours and feeling very little improvement, and honestly feeling no will to make any art when everything was just going to be late and feel inadequate. Every second spent on art felt either wasteful or a shallow attempt to recapture the feelings I once had towards art.

In hindsight, this ended up being a good thing. Hear me out; this caused me to soul-search and re-learn what I wanted out of and why I loved art. After a lot of deliberation between myself, and my extremely supportive girlfriend, I found what I was missing in art that I had lost over the past few months. I simply started having fun again (which is where the left-handed Animal X-ing sketches came from). I stopped putting so much pressure on myself and started to relax and "goof-off" essentially when drawing. Art is now fun again for me :)

With that said, if there's one thing I really want to improve on in 2022 and so on is preemptively starting these giant projects earlier and having the time to do commissions and Patreon Polls. I feel really awful for putting aside the second Patreon Poll (and commissions) for almost half a year now, but it will be finished once Christmas is wrapped up. And yes Christmas will still be finished, I love the concept too much to drop it and I've accepted that it's okay that Christmas pieces will be fashionably late

I'm still hanging on, and I will do my utmost best to finish what I've started as much as I humanly can. Til then stay toona'd and thank you all for your support 

Really means alot. Thank you guys for everything so far. Here's to a great 2022 


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