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master page of all the deers!!! now that all the designs are more or less done (the colors still need done but they'll be pretty similar to last year) all the sketches are put together for convenience. both so it makes it easier so i can refer to them when i make the main set pieces, and so you guys can see them all together. so, we'll go from left to right and list out the deers and a short description of their personalities and outfit changes

Prancer  - laid back, relaxed, elegant. Dancer's lover, great at dancing, huge music fan. outfit matches Dancer with one thigh high and midriff top with one sleeve, long curled ponytails

Dancer   - confident, poised, tough-girl, elegant. Prancer's lover, great at dancing and dances outside of work. outfit matches Prancer with one thigh high and midriff top with one sleeve. flamenco hair with long ponytail and some loose bangs and side hair

Rudolph  - SHE'S THE LEADER OF THE GROUP. confident, compassionate, kinda controlling, poised. 3rd sluttiest deer to Comet and Vixen, enjoys gardening and strategy games and having a red nose. squared and maintained hair, tight panties and thigh highs with small cloak

Donner   - poindexter, smart but not pretentious, soft spoken but friendly. enjoys chemistry and space YouTube, studies psychology, gets dick by going out with her deer friends. thigh highs and high heels with crop top sleeved hoodie and braided hair in a bob

Vixen  - motherly (MILF), gorgeous, very caring and supportive. works a lot as a model, but does mechanic work more often (computer scrapping and electronics) is the sluttiest of group and has lotsa gangbangs in free time. fishnet thigh highs and skimpy dress

Dasher  - bubbly, outgoing, bright and energetic. basically Shay as a deer lol. master chef, and has beauty YT channel. gets dick by virtue of her being so bubbly and outgoing. has the least clothing of thigh highs and high heel boots and Xmas bikini

Cupid  - sweet, child-like, playful, heart-themed. makes candy/pastries and is a barista for local cafe. gets dick by hanging out with Blitzen and Vixen. very angelic clothing; ribbons and bows and garters, heart tube top, long curled hair with decorations

Comet - shy, kind, kinda naive, runt, innocent. true artist; photographer and video editor and music composer, aspiring film maker. secretly extremely horny and loves being dominated, 2nd sluttiest to Vixen, so she gets her gangbangs thru Vixen. zipper thigh highs and high heels, one piece xmas leotard, long straight blonde hair with star hair pins

Blitzen  - punk, aggressive, protective, graffiti, sexy bitch. only one that likes to knit in free time lol, assigned from anger management class. amazing at softball. absolved from previous minor crimes as teenager. very slutty and outgoing, so she gets dick herself but is a power-bottom. fishnet thigh highs with high heel boots and tight panties. no top. fishnet arm warmers, and undercut shoulder length dyed hair

there!! that's all the basic stuff of their personalities, outfits, hobbies, and how slutty they are. hopefully that's enuff to understand them and start imaging sex scenarios for them ;3c 



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