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front side of Loopibooni:  

are ya'll getting tired of these second-hand names yet? i'm sure not lol, they're fun. so the front side of the sketch is almost done with the draft stage, and it will be cleaned up a bit before it will be colored. The idea of this patreon poll is that loppybooni is a nurse in the pokingmon center in the world of anthro pookymong. The front side is just telling the you (yes you the viewer) that what she does in the world and how her outfit looks, and how easy it'll be to take off or move to the side when its going to be used for sexy times :3 Next time i will work on this will be the coloring, which will be fun cuz it'll show off shiny loppybooni and all her nice outfit and fur colors, and some minimal lighting will be added. we'll talk more about lighting at the bottom of these descriptioins  

backside of Loopibooni: 

sooo, we see this cute sexy nurse in action already x3 it's kind of a while into her shift (the lighting will be night-time in this, late evening in the first one), yet she couldn't have waited for any better patient than the one she got... he broke his arm doing common-daddy-activities, such as being hot and also muscular, and even strong. who knows that's not important yet lol, what is important is... look at Loopibooni! she's so excited, because she gets to assist in feeding him, and of course she does it in the most provocative and suggestive way possible. she makes it into a sort of "performance" for him, showing off her outfit and what she'll do to make sure he gets taken care of. you can see how "excited" he is, specifically in his "pants region". also, it's a fire honey badger, or typhexplosion. did you know that was a honey badger? me neither, i learned that recently.  

anyways, both of these pictures are very close to being done sketched, now it just comes down to refining the lines to make coloring and lighting easier. and oh yea, lighting!! so, normally hospital lighting is pretty depressing right? with the LED bars and cold atmosphere and no outside lighting... to combat that, both of the pics are going to have a lot of outside lighting, the first one with a nice evening feeling at the pokingmon hospital entrance, and the 2nd one with a moonlit atmosphere with some really gentle and romantic room lighting. not fit for a hospital honestly, but... it's furry porn, it's going to be romantic lol. so ig in comparison, it'll look similar to Loona's Patreon Poll, but not as washed out. to help to make them feel as washed out, a lot of the fur coloring, outfit, and background elements will be colored pretty vivaciously. since Loopibooni will be shiny, and also have a white outfit with latex/rubber, she'll be nice and shiny, and so will a lot of the metallic surfaces and spots where the lighting hits. it'll make more sense when you see it i promise, basically it'll be really colorful even tho it's a hospital piece



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