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here's some sketches from that page, that one motorcycle preview one you saw yesterday :3c  

so it's Toona in her sick ass sports bike! I wanted to just practice my perspective skills and vehicles skills and i must say im pretty happy how it turned out! she also has a helmet on the side of her garage cabinet :3  

And the next pic to the motorbike, Toona encourages safety first and always keep your helmet on before riding ur bikes :3 "Saftey First!" always stay protected kids, no matter what. it can never hurt you. She is wearing her cool ass leather jacket with spikey studs on the shoulder parts, and tight fishnet thigh highs and ripped booty shorts.  

Bottom left we got a chibi lili on a chibi tank going for a drive lol and sonya on her chibi copter. these were both forced perspective practice too, but not as heavily as the motorcycle. more just like a quick doodle to make sure the practice i've been putting in is beeing applied  

And on the bottom right its supposed to be in sonya's dream where she built a femboi mech fitted with ai that is supposed to help the pilot calculate targets and analyze battlefields etc etc. (also has a personality for extra cuteness x3) Sonya is very proud of her work and her cute femboy mech appreciates her work and maintenance. obvs, it's an evangelion reference. but mostly, it's just Sonya's dream, like IRL, to make a mech as functional and amazing as a giant one. might not happen but, she can dream :3c



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