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since you had your fill with lilith, now it's maxie's turn >:3c heh heh heh  

look at her face. look at how submissive she is and how much she loves it. isn't that so cool??? it's a 180 from her sister Lilith  

so for changes, juni changes from tuesday is he added the daddy's arms and hands so they are grabbing Maxie's hips and bringing her ass closer to the daddy's pelvis. There are also some misc. detalmores he added, such as Maxie's bikini bottom off to the side and theres a ice cooler and her straw hat on it. for changes for the next one (which have already been made at this current point) will be adjusting Maxie's body. if you look closely, Maxie's thighs are bent at an angle while the daddy's are not. this would cause some major problems when shading, cuz that would mean that both people are at different heights. dw tho, already fixed today.   // hope u enjoy the slutty shark femboy :3c //



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