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Commission I did after an Idea from IleaDS over on Discord!  ٩(◉ᴥ◉)۶

Viccy is unscrupulous even for a Nariok scientist.

Since she was expelled from the capital Uro due to unethical experiments, she keeps her head above water with contracts from rich donors and accepts any offer, no matter how strange or unethical.

Her research has led to the creation of the "Wyerds" - creatures that cannot be directly assigned to any species and consist largely of mutations of many different races to fulfill a specific purpose.

In this story, Stacy becomes a Wyerd #8: Mollusca Femina, an immobile slug-polyp designed to provide Viccy's lab with food through her nutrient-rich eggs

Project WYERD #08: Mollusca Femina

Subject Name: Stacy Baker

DNA USED: Slerm, regular - terran slug, Fexa Stem, Human

Goal: supplying the station with nutrient-rich eggs.


The sound of a wet gurgle roused Stacy from her sleep. She couldn't remember falling asleep... that crazy Nariok must have put something into her herbal beer after she sat down at her table without being asked. Stacy remembered the oddly specific questions the shark woman had asked with a strange glint in her eyes - mostly questions about her fitness and origin.

Slowly, Stacy lifted her head, the chamber around her was dark and damp, with only a dim, yellowish light shining through a pane of glass to her right.

"My legs... They feel so strange..." Stacy noticed a gush of viscous mucus leaving her mouth as she tried to speak. "Where... am I?"

With a loud clack, the light behind the glass brightened and a feminine silhouette stepped closer towards the glass "Excellent.... Wyerd number 8 is doing great!" She glanced at a small clipboard in her hand "What do we have here.... Slerm, regular terrestrial slug.... homo sapiens... increased egg production due to multiple orifices.... hm, looks like a promising livestock breeding for  culinary specialities!"

The light in the chamber came on and Stacy could not suppress a loud scream: Her entire lower body was fused with a disgusting pulsating mass of slimy tentacles. A farting hole, resembling an oversized, swollen human vulva, spewed forth gushes of viscous slime.

"What have you done to me?!" cried Stacy in despair as she realized that her arms had regressed into useless stumps and her entire upper body was covered with massively swollen breast, each with  obscenely plump nipples.

But all that was nothing compared to the hideous creature that had reared up right in front of Stacy:

It looked bloated and wet – almost like a giant slug, except for the massive number of breast it sported on its chest and lower belly. Instead of a head, a blind, slimy maw sat at the end of a thick, wrinkled and slimy neck that twitched and sucked in the surrounding air. Before another scream could leave Stacy's mouth, the creature had bent forward and was now sucking greedily into her face.

”Conversion started – last remaining human features are about to disappear” The Nariok behind the glass took notes.

Stacy moaned and cried into the greedy trunk that has sucked onto her face tightly, filling her mouth with a vile, thick liquid and pumped it down her throat – right into her disgusting lower half.

With a wet smack, the creature finally let go of Stacies face. With its head now blindly twitching, it started to puke gushes of slime all over itself, before it bended forwards. The slime In Stacies throat muffled her screams of disgust, as the contracting trunk the creature had instead of a head slowly started to push out a massive egg from its maw.

Stacies Throat felt numb and weird and it seemed that the slime was now constantly coming out of her mouth, like her lower half had started to produce its own. “Gnooohw” She sobbed, as she looked at her bloated, ugly tits that had started to look a lot more like the fleshy sacks of the creature that was laying eggs in front of her.

The numbness of her throat eventually reached Stacies lips, and in horror, the young girl realized, that her lips had started to bloat and swell – slowly forming a constantly open O-shape, that sucked in air greedily while puking slime all over her cleavage.

Stacy wanted to touch her new disgusting maw that greedily farted and dripped with slime, but without her arms she was doomed to watch her transforming further without any option to stop it.

“”Gnohht my face *GLORP!”

Stacy felt the slimy slugskin of her disgusting maw now creeping all over her face. She felt a weird tickle in her throat, as if something was slowly traveling up her esophagus, and as she realized what it was, her eyes widened in horror: A wiggling mass of slugs slowly pressed out of her defenseless maw-opening and onto her cleavage, where they landed with nasty smacks.

More and more slugs followed...The Nariok behind the window again came closer to the glass ”Hm, it seems like the body of the second Mollusca Femina had started to breed Slugs as some kind of pre-ovi development. - Interesting, but useless”

Stacy, unable to hear what the Nariok was saying, bended backwards. A burning lust and pleasure had suddenly took over her body, as she felt something thick and hard wanting out of the bloated cunt below her... desperately pressing and panting, she didn't even notice that her eyes had now gone and the transformation of her once human head into a blind, drooling trunk had been finished.

Blind bliss was all she felt, and it was wonderful. Every nerve in her body fired shots of pleasure constantly... her whole body felt like a hypersensitive cocoon of lust... “GLORRP!”

She wanted to Suck... breed and lay eggs... this life was so simple.. she just needed something - or someone - to keep pleasuring herself. She felt her bloated slimy lips carefully sucking at the trunk of the other slug, before they both joined in a messy kiss.




Agreed, super hot and lewd in all the weird ways~


This species is a unique combination of sexy creatures you’ve created :) love it as always and look forward toward more


Also if this is just Wyerd 08, I wonder how the rest are~!


I love this! Cant believe i haven't seen till now