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Looks like Dr. Stephany Mirk volunteered to participate in the latest iteration of the Narioks Human Upgrade Program.

Little did she know, that for their newest testing, the leading scientist of the project  was none other than the infamous Dr Viccy Shore, who took great pleasure in breaking all forms of ethics and regulations the Narioks (usually) have in their preojects.

This testing included a new form of Kerberus-creature - a species that is harmless in it`s natural form, but is able to assimilate up to 2 other organisms to mature into a far more dangerous form.

When absorbing a person, the Kerberus usually intigrates the victims gender and adds its features to it`s new form (So a male Kerberus absorbing 2 males would become an all male kerberus with tripled potency (triple cocks, each connected to its original owner but controlled by the feral mind of the original Kerberus, forcing the absorbed organisms to mate with all potential partners), while every female victim would water down these virile features and add more female features to the body in the process. 

The Testing results were as followed:

Male Kerberi:

1 Male Kerberus + 2 Males = Trippled potency (triple Cock version)

1 Male Kerberus + 1 Male = Double Potency (Twin-Cocks)

1 Male Kerberus + 1 Male + 1 Female = Twin-Cocks with female features (Breasts)

1 Male Kerberus + 1 Female = Male Kerberus with female features (Breasts)

1 Male Kerberus + 2 females = Hyper fertility (Twin-Vulva)

Female Kerberi: (Including a male seems to always trigger the growth of a cock)

1 Female Kerberus + 2 Females = Hyper fertility 2 (Heavy enlarged Vulva)

1 Female Kerberus + 1 Female = Hyper fertility (Twin-Vulva)

1 Female Kerberus + 1 Female + 1 Male = Twin-Vulva and cock

1 Female Kerberus + 1 Male = Male Kerberus with female features (Breasts)

1 Female Kerberus + 2 Males = Twin-Cocks with female features (Breasts)

It is important to note, that the original genitals always seem to stay a part of the absorbed person/animal. In the next phase Dr.Shore is going to test the effect of mixing species that are absorbed by the Kerberus (Dogs, Cows, Horses, etc.) and its effects on the developing cock- and vulva-shapes, as well as the effect on the mind of the creature if a human takes part in it.

In the Program, Stephany was exposed to a male specimen.




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