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Snappers live in the wilds of merra usually. They are wild and savage creatures that hunt in packs to find food and new victims.

While there are a lot of different snapper races, nearly all of them count as herm creatures. With their male parts hidden in the breasts on their chests, snappers produce a sticky goo that is called "snapper cum" which often drips from their mouth if they get aroused. Some slower snappers even spit their goo over far distances, to infect a victim and chase after them.

To transform a victim, snappers usually need both, their cum and their female liquids. The mix of the two result in an insanely transformative substance, that turns skin or fur into thick snapper skin within seconds.

If enough if any liquid is swallowed, the transformation turns out to be much slower and easy to stop. through drinking a lot of water afterwards, the changes on the victims body disappear again after a couple of hours.

To be able to push deep enough and fertilize a partner with their massive snout, the sex of each snapper has a pretty uncommon size.



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