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Another Warmup of Leona Spotts!

She is a Giraffe-dragon hybrid, and not one of my original species :3

Seemed like she and her friend mixed together some fun potions! After they got doozy and took a nap, Leona wondered where her friend has gone and was a litle upset - leaving without saying a thing is rude!

Still tired, she stumbled into the kitchen and grabbed a soft drink from the counter. Half on her way back, she suddenly felt weird and rushed into the bathroom, thinking she needed to take a pee.

She already stood in front of the toilet, as a messy stream of pre erupted from her sheath. Long, strings liquids made a total mess of her bathroom...

A weird gurgling noise ermerged from her nethers, as her dong started to move on its own out of a sudden! Horrified, Leona squeezed the drink in her hand, as her friend, heavily mutated into an obscene snake/cock hybrid slipped out from her shaft, dripping with pre and begging to be touched!

The slimy, pulsing body felt awesome to touch and drove both of them into a rush of lust in no time... after a few strokes, Leona saw the huge, cum-dripping and swollen lips of her snake-cock-friend slowly coming closer for a lewd kiss...




Got to ask if it would be possible to buy them as they are


Oh, this was a commission! The character belongs to TallGiraffe :3 ( not sure if they got a FA-acc, but if so, im gonna link it)


Fair and found them (I think) character name seems to be there fa user name