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Full story here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sweet-honey-85741335 

This is the lewd or bad ending for the Sequence "Sweet Honey" where Donna turns into a Falah Drone.

Donna could neither hear nor see... A muffled splat had woken her from her wonderful dreams and now she seemed to lie completely helpless in a slimy pool in a dark place.

She tried to wriggle... Her body reacted sluggishly and clumsily to her attempts... as if she was trapped in a gelatinous mass.

Suddenly she felt someone approaching - she was not alone in here. Donna tried to call out, but was unable to produce a sound. To her horror, she felt her rear end being brutally grabbed and pulled upwards.

Something was wrong. A smacking sound shattered the silence and echoed off the wet walls. Her lower body moved as someone pushed something warm and hard inside her.

“Stop...HEY!!!” Donna wiggled back and forth, her grotesque body only twitching and pulsating, as she felt her body begin to change. The urge to suck and smack was setting in on her.... She remembered Mia’s hard, sweaty cock, which was excitedly swinging up and down in front of her.... She had to suck.... work... clean.... She imagines that lewd cock in front of her... her proboscis slowly sucking it in and gently tasting the honey-like sweat, while stimulating it.

Her thoughts became more lewd and simplistic.... Donna.... Drone... ...shlrrp

Pictures of sucking Mia's drone cock.... spread her butt-cheeks...suckle on her anus before fucking it with her own, lewd cock... She had to get out.... had to find Mia drone!

She pressed against her gelantinous prison, which finally gave in and Donna was free: Instead of her human head, a disgusting insectoid visage slowly slipped out of the maggot, greedily sucking in air with its proboscis...

Drone... hunger... drone... horny....

She pushed up further and squeezed her ugly, useless tits out of her old maggot body. “Drone fuck....

drone horny. A veiny, ugly cock slowly slid free  as Donna pulled herself up further, while her disgusting proboscis farted lewdly and sucked in the humid air.

Completely freed from the cocoon of her old maggot shell, the drone that had once been Donna trudged through the slimy pool. Only her former torso, reduced to a hideous, hairy caricature of a female body, reminded of the woman she once was... Her hairy cock twitched at the thought of her queen

“Drone must obey... Drone comes to queen.“



Sunny Night

Definitely the good end :)