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Skipps can only be artificial created, they serve as lab-assistants and often work in Nariok research-teams. Due to their sterility, Skipps are known for their analytical thinking

To turn humans into sterile Skipps, Narioks trap them inside a transformation capsule and douse them with a special bio-engineered latex. Aggressive males are transformed and develop female genitalia, which virtually eliminates the production of testosterone.

The latex slowly spreads over the entire body and soon sits like a second skin before it begins to fuse with the underlying body and form a dolphin-like skin.

The libido of male subjects soon disappears and the primary sexual characteristics slowly regress. Soon after, the entire pelvic area feminizes - the testicles form into a sterile vulva and the penis slowly retracts between rubbery labia.

Females, meanwhile, gain increased body strength and virility through the development of male genitalia. Ultimately, gender roles are completely dissolved in Skipps, who are unable to reproduce. However, rebellious former males can easily be dominated and humiliated by former females, while shy females can more often assert themselves against the now equally strong males.

Skipps are extremely common as asisstants in Nariok laboratories. Due to their low libido, they are also considered very shy, but also competent and analytical.

Narioks often have a little fun transforming the most potent males and most shy females into Skipps and using them in their lab.


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