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In This Sequence, Alice transforms into Glott!

The last few days had seemed like an eternity to Alicia. Because of her new, slimy body, she also felt more sluggish and tired from day to day, which seemed to be caused mainly by the cold of the night.

Already three days after her transformation, she noticed isolated frost crystals, which had formed overnight on her thighs and it took quite a while each time until her legs no longer felt numb and lifeless.

"I hope this idiot shows up soon.... Looks like I've got to get back to town if I don't want to freeze here..."

Nervously, she began to fiddle with her body, as she had done many evenings before. Wearing her rudimentary clothes became more and more annoying to her, as the friction of the fabric excited her steadily.... Without noticing it, she also seemed to have developed a growing interest in masturbation through her new, long tongue.

More and more often Alicia sat down in a wind-protected corner and began to push her thick, slimy frog tongue between her thighs with pleasure... The taste of her own pussy turned her on so much that soon she could hardly think of anything else...

More and more Alicia's thoughts soon circled only around only satisfying her lust and the wonderful taste of her cunt.... Even her exterior soon began to bow to her inner corruption,

as her light green skin slowly became dull and mushy and huge warts formed on her thighs.

Alicia wasn't sure by now if she had waited days or weeks.... All she knew was that the taste of her cunt was the best there was. Lustfully she slammed herself against the fountain in the center of the village, with her tongue once again pushed deep into her frog vagina.

Shocked, she flinched when she suddenly felt something inside.... something that also seemed to move! "Hwat twhe?! Disgusted, she spread her legs when she saw that something alive was slowly pressing on her pussy....

The ugly, warty head of a fat toad pushed out from between her labia, only now did Alicia notice how puffy and fat she had become. "Oh god, what's happening to me!!!"

With a croak, the toad slowly squeezed out of Alicia's pussy and fell to the floor. Alicia's body shook with pleasure. She felt a pleasant tremor spread over her skin as it began to change again: More and more warts were forming on her slimy skin, and her throat slowly filled with a thick liquid.

In this lonely village there was no one to watch her anyway, so Alicia just let the kinky thoughts in her head run wild as a deep throaty croak escaped her. In fibrous lust, she touched her breasts and belly, her face beginning to contort strangely.

"This feels so gooood!" Alicia threw her head back as another croak escaped her throat. Her frog hands had devolved into even more primitive, amphibious limbs in the meantime. It felt great to let go like that and push the complicated thinking away for a moment....

Swaying, she walked a few meters as she felt her tongue in her now broad, more maw-like mouth. Slimy and thick, it squeezed out between her bulging lips, while more toads dangled helplessly from her pussy.

Overwhelmed by the feeling of her transformation and the horniness of her new body, Alicia greedily grabbed her own breast. Her eyes and nose had turned more and more into those of a giant toad in the meantime, but Alicia was enjoying her climaxes, which were hitting her every second.

Wasn't it the only important thing to feel good? Once again, a deep croak escaped her. Her whole body had doubled in mass by now, which only increased her pleasure.

The feeling of revenge had completely faded by now - all Alicia wanted was to satisfy her body and share her gift with others.... Uncertainly she staggered back to her little camp, while her cunt dripped slimy strings on the floor....

"Need to make more Toads.....MOOOOORE!!!"




Is this a sequel to another transformation? Also what was the cause of this transformation? Did I miss something?


But god yes, it is a perfect end to the story. Just how I thought it was going to be, so lost to her lust she devolves to the "toad" she was talking about in the "end" of "The Wishing Well". Well done Lu!


Well, their brain probably just becomes simpler, too so basic urges grow more prominent and they can just live in the moment not understanding the concept of future and past anymore:o


really like TFs like this that are fully turns people/furry into complete monster not semi human-like humanoids