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In This Sequence, Alice transforms into an Aruna Frog!

Bad ending also in the Drive, Story for that will come a bit later :3

Exhausted, Alice walked along the deserted valley road. The morning was dull and the surrounding area was shrouded in a strange, dense fog. The damp, musty smell of old wood was in the air and Alice had not met any other traveler on the road for 2 days.

“People really seem to be avoiding this area ever since that rumor with the Banedragon started making the rounds...” She narrowed her eyes: In the distance, she saw the roofs of some really run-down shacks and sheds. 

“This must be that old settlement the innkeeper told us about.”

Alice shuddered. According to the story the innkeeper had told, all the inhabitants of the village had simply disappeared one night. The courier, who had burst into the inn the next day completely distraught, reported terrible sounds and traces of thick, sticky slime that seemed to come from the old well.

A pair of faint rays of sunlight shone through the fog as Alice walked past the old, vacant cabins “Where there’s no plaintiff, there’s no judge” She muttered, setting down her backpack and pulling out her lockpick “Let’s see what there is to get around here.”

A few unsuccessful minutes later, Alice stepped out of what was already the third completely empty house. “Damn, those stingy peasants seem to have taken all their valuables with them,” she grumbled, as sunlight broke through the thick cloud cover again and she noticed a glint and twinkle near the fountain in the middle of the village.

“What the hell?” Alice could hardly believe her eyes as she approached: Neatly lined up, a half-dozen shiny gold balls lay on the edge of the old fountain.

“Bingo!” she muttered as she carefully lifted the first ball. “Well, who left you here just like that, my beautiful ones?!” Alice twisted and turned the sphere in her hands. It seemed strangely heavy and somehow like it was under some kind of tension.... 

“What are these strange thin-...UGHH!”

Suddenly and without warning, the golden orb burst like a popped balloon in Alice’s hands in an explosion of green, loathsome slime. A nauseating, fishy smell immediately rose to her nose and Alice tried to brush the sticky substance from her hands.

Alice was horrified to find that the disgusting substance was beginning to disintegrate her clothes, while also sticking to her skin like a smelly, viscous glue. 

“Get off... No!”

Desperately, she tried to shake the slime from her hand, but instead only spread it more over her body, where it mercilessly etched through her clothes, or began to soak directly into her skin. “What’s happening to me?!” Shouted the young adventurer, as a numb feeling began to spread through her fingers. 

Meanwhile, the upper part of her dress had almost completely disintegrated and her bra was slowly also falling victim to the aggressive substance.

In panic, Alice looked around for a bucket or rain barrel to wash the foul-smelling substance off her arms, but it already seemed too late: Alice’s skin felt strangely slushy and slimy, and no matter how much she frantically rubbed, it seemed that the slime had fused with her own skin!

“Oh god, please don’t.... PLEASE DON’T!!!” 

Alice felt the sticky substance begin to rip open her skin everywhere it had been absorbed, revealing a greenish-yellow frog skin underneath.

Alice tried to scream, but only managed a wet gasp as her face began to deform under her skin, as it grew into a slimy, flat snout. Piece by piece, more parts of her skin burst open, revealing more slimy frog flesh.

Clear mucus oozed incessantly from the swollen nipples, which also looked grotesquely bloated, and were apparently now provided with elastic, mucus-dripping openings.

Another deep gurgle escaped from Alice’s throat as something thick and soft mercilessly pushed its way out of her mouth. At first Alice thought she had vomited a large lump of mucus, but then realized that her tongue had turned into a long, elastic tentacle.

Moaning and unable to resist, Alice could only watch as the new body part moved past her breasts and into her crotch as if by remote control. An expectant tingling began between her legs, and finally the new feeling of horniness and curiosity gained the upper hand: 

Alice carefully pulled down the last remnants of her dress from her hips, and began to pleasure herself orally with her new tongue.

The thick, slimy muscle felt better than any man Alice had ever had before. Carefully, Alice pressed her tongue against her pussy with a little more pressure until it finally penetrated her inside. 

A soft, tingling sensation now began in her intimate area as her old human skin around her pussy began to transform into a bloated frog-cunt as well.

Alice didn’t know how many minutes she had played with herself like this before she climaxed - all she knew was that it had felt incredibly good.

The lust that had clouded her mind began to fade, except for the light jolts that her orgasm still sent in gentle waves through her abdomen.

Alice’s gaze fell on her slimy, muscular new thighs, which - apart from the frog skin - looked almost sexy and athletic “Hnot fhat bad!” she mumbled past her swollen tongue as it slowly withdrew from her cunt again.

Suddenly, Alice felt her breasts growing heavy, as they also grew in size. “Oh Gawd, what now?” She moaned, as she grabbed them. The weight actually started to hurt and a feeling of nausea crawled up from her stomach, until she felt a sudden twitch in her esophagus that sent a load of slime out of her mouth.

It felt like a natural urge... a new necessary function of her new body to keep her skin moist and slimy: More slime started to ooze out of her nipples, as another twitch caused Alice to hickup uncontrollably

“Ribbit!” .... “RIBBIT!”

Every time more slime sprayed out of her bloated tits and covered her skin with a protective, slimy layer “This... Ugh... RIBBIT ... Stop... please... RIBBIT”- She eventually lost her balance and fell to the ground. 

As she reached out her hand to touch the well to her right, she noticed in disbelief, that her once human fingers looked fused and swollen and her Hands now rather resembled Frog-hands than anything else.

Disgusted, Alice lifted one of her legs, only to see that her human feet had also transformed into the slimy, webbed feet of an anthropomorphic frog-monster. Again, her greedy tongue seized the opportunity, to sneak past her tits and greedily lick over the bloated lips of her frog-cunt.

“Gnoohw... not again!!”

She felt the organ plowing between her folds again... it was like an addiction to please herself like that... The smell, the Taste... the feeling... Alice moaned as he tongue again just pushed all the right buttons for her as she came a second time this morning.

With a wet slurp, Alice sucked her cunt-licking tongue back into her mouth.... That taste was like a drug... It seemed that her hickup had gone, and her breasts had grown back to their former size, as Alice pulled herself up at the old fountain.

Suddenly, she felt her soft frog cunt twitching between her legs. Restlessly she stepped from one leg to the other while more repulsive, amphibious birthing slime ran down the insides of her thighs

“Gawd... what... now?!”

Subconsciously, she spread her legs and squatted slightly. Again, her slimy cunt twitched violently as a jet of thick mucus shot from her pussy to the floor. The constant stream bursting from her tight cunt made Alice roll he reyes back in lust. She already came a third time by the time she felt something suddenly blocking her cunt from the inside.

Heavily panting from the feeling of intense lust, Alice turned around and leaned against the well.

With her legs still spread, she felt her vagina twitch and slowly pushing out something slimy and round. Alice bit her teeth together and closed her eyes, as she started to press. Th eobjest spreaded her cunt -lips further but it still wasn´t enough. 

With her clumsy hands, Alice tried to spread her pussy to let the egg finally slip free, as a whole gush of multiple eggs eventually splurted out of her.

Breathing heavily and exhausted, Alice put her head in the neck.  “I hope that’s it for now,” she mumbled when she could finally think clearly again. She turned to the side and discovered a small pile of frog eggs, carefully prepared with gold paint, lying on the other side of the fountain.

“Well, if I catch you, you little toad, you’re in for a surprise”, still a little unsteady on her new legs, Alice staggered towards one of the houses to cover her nakedness with a few rags.

“If that guy shows up here, I’ll give him a taste of his own medicine to swallow”




Bravooooooooooooo, Magnificent work. That is one beautiful and sexy frog girl, I liked her. Nicely done Lu.


Very nice sequence, hope to see more in future.


Looking forward to the Bad(?) End.


Aruna’s are most definitely my favorite now!!!!

Nathara Cox

I love the idea of your body being turned against you like that