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Pleas notice there is a new Password for the Winter-content!  Ù©(◉ᎄ◉)Û¶

Link to the Google-Drive: https://forms.gle/eAR8ZYFqeEeYbex78

NEW Password: SPRING2023

In this Sequencen Stan turns into the nethers of a demonic Ketoran Succubus  Ù©(◉ᎄ◉)Û¶

Stan took a deep breath as the door to his apartment finally slammed shut behind him. “Home at last” He deftly slipped off his shoes before stepping out of the hallway into his small office and study, laden with his full shopping bag.

The last rays of the evening sun were already shining through his window, and the sky was bathed in a deep, almost lovely pink as Stan placed the bag on the table in front of him to begin putting things away.

“What the?!” Stan lifted from his bag the net of fresh peaches he had just bought at the market. Among the round, shapely fruit, a particularly dark, almost black one stood out among the others.

Stan eyed the fist-sized fruit suspiciously. To his surprise, it didn’t seem to be spoiled - in fact, it seemed plumper and juicier than any of the others now lying on the table in front of him.

“Strange,” Stan muttered, pushing uncertainly at the fruit. The flesh seemed fresh and firm.... “Maybe just a special breeding?” A bit unsure and prepared to be disappointed by the taste, Stan bit off a small piece of the fruit.

Stan’s eyes widened as the taste spread through his mouth. “Wow, actually tastes pretty good!” He held the dark peach in front of him against the light. Its flesh was bright - almost pink, while the outer skin was about the color of dark grapes.

He took another bite and began to move the purchase further into his cupboards when he suddenly felt a strange numbness in his right hand. It didn’t take long for Stan to look at the palm of his hand in puzzlement: his fingers began to twitch uncontrollably.... as if they were controlled by something - or someone - else!

Panic spread through him, and Stan almost dropped the peach. Whatever was going on with his hand was beginning to spread all over his arm! “W-what the?!” He felt his hand shamelessly grab his crotch and greedily grope around in his pants.

“S-Stop that!!!” Now the numbness began to spread to his shoulder as well - meanwhile, the waistband of his pants seemed to get tighter and tighter as his “possessed” hand continued to greedily grope for his penis.

“Hgnrrpmph!” Stan’s other hand had managed to stuff more pieces of the peach into his mouth and, when most of the fruit was gone, began fingering his mouth in an obscene manner.... 

A pop tore through the silence as Stan realized that his pelvis was apparently growing in width and had burst his waistband in this way. In the meantime, Stan had almost already 

completely lost control of his upper body: against his will, his hand, previously occupied with his penis, tore off his shirt and threw it on the floor...

“Pfrrp!” Stan felt a thick, foul-smelling liquid run out of his mouth as his fingers finally stopped penetrating it. 

In long strings it dripped down from his chin in a frightening amount as Stan realized with horror that his hands had begun

to change: A leathery, hard, dark skin had grown on his palms, while his fingers looked increasingly misshapen and foreshortened.

“Hnoo... What’s happening to me?!” The feeling of numbness had by now spread over his entire body and now he felt a strange throbbing that seemed to emanate directly from his best part. Meanwhile, his hands had already ripped all his clothes off his body and were now slowly forcing Stan into a squatting position.

He could feel his legs giving way as Stan finally completely lost control of his body. With his legs spread and a strange pressure that seemed to come from his pelvis, his body finally forced him onto all fours gurgling and spitting slime “Pfrrt Gnooo!!!”

Stan stared in disbelief at his two hands as he now lay on the floor with his arms straight out. Viscous slime still ran incessantly from his mouth as sharp claws grew out of his now plump, thick fingers.

Stan cried out as the bones in his hands began to elongate: Before his eyes, his previously relatively human-looking hands turned into crude, useless paws!

Dark, short fur also began to grow all over his hands as they became more and more like hind paws. The muscles in his arms burned and twitched as they began to change more and more against Stan’s will.

A sickening slurping echoed through the room and when Stan finally managed to tear himself away from the shocking sight of his new pawed hands, he noticed his entire pelvis had already started to deform. “Hnoo *sllrp* Ssshtop!!!” The slime in his mouth and throat made it nearly impossible for Stan to speak a clear word.

He felt something hard and massively swollen between his legs.... something that seemed to move on its own.... something that seemed to have more control over his crotch than he did!

“Freeee!!” a sickening smacking sounded as something grew out of Stan’s mutated abdomen with a jerk. “Fiiiinally Freee!!” 

Stan’s legs began to move against his will.... This creature had by now gained full control of his body - even the toes of his new pawed hands seemed to obey the command of the creature growing out of his abdomen.

Stan was helplessly stuck between his outstretched upper arms, which were becoming more and more like thick, fur-covered thighs. His mouth and throat had by now narrowed more and more into a toothless slit that now and then emitted a burst of milky, foul-smelling discharge.

Still able to feel his body, however, it no longer obeyed him. More and more a dominant female voice began to take over all the commands of his body: “Ahh, so you are my new toy sweetie?!”

Stan felt the joints in his pelvis crack as the bones of his old thighs realigned “Mmmh, you and I are going to have a lot of fun together, I’m sure...” 

Stan whimpered as his head grew more and more entangled with the sweaty abdomen around him “Gnoohh.... Pleaf....”

“Shhh... Cunts like you don’t talk.... they keep nice and still....”

Stan felt something brush through his hair. His whole face felt puffy and soft. Despairingly, he found that every word he tried to speak merely came as a wet, slimy fart from the squishy crease that had once been his mouth.

“Plrrrt Mhe Goooh!!!”

The creature continued to caress his hair, which was slowly growing into nothing more than a patch of sweaty, thick pubic hair. “You’re about to get used to it sweetie.... Damn, 

I bet you’re already horny for your first cock, aren’t you?” Stan tried to resist, but the touches around him seemed to excite him strongly in some way “From today on I am your mistress and you will do what I say, understand?”

With a soft smacking sound, the last remnant of Stan’s old body disappeared. All that was left of the young man now was a wet, smacking hole between his mistress’ legs. A comforting feeling of security and safety spread through Stan. He felt good the way he was now... with no responsibilities... no obligations....

“I’ll take good care of you, don’t worry” she whispered as she gently stroked the thick hair at her crotch “As long as you give me some fun back in return.... You don’t even need to do much as my cunt... Just sit back, suck dick and enjoy the ride!”


“Cut the shit!” Stan felt his mistress press her fingers firmly against him. “If you fuck up my ride like that again, I’ll put you in the same panties for five days without washing!”

Stan smacked his lips with pleasure, he loved to get his mistress so worked up by denying her climax. Of course it was a nice feeling to come every time.... he had also gotten used to the taste of male genitals by now... and the feeling when they pressed their swollen, veiny cocks into him without any tact... 

However, it was at least as much fun to remind his mistress every now and then that she didn’t overdo it too much with her bossy ways.



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