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Password: "Sketchdump"

Still slightly tired from last night's festivities, you slowly slide out of bed with an expansive yawn. A bit unsteady on your feet - probably due to the slightly increased alcohol consumption of last night - you shuffle towards the bathroom. As you pass your large wall mirror, you suddenly notice something unusual. Confused, you take a few steps back and look incredulously at the reflection standing in front of you:

Instead of your usual body, you are looking into the deep green eyes of a female Ino. Dense but short white fur covers your entire body, and it seems as if you don't have a single piece of clothing left on your body. "Wh-What the hell happened yesterday?!" Your voice sounds unusually young and bright as you inspect your canines. 

Curious, you let your fingers brush over the developed breasts that protrude from your chest - a shiver runs down your spine as you accidentally brush over one of the obscenely large nipples.

"D-did I do it like that last night?" Blurry memories of one of your friends lying over you moaning as he lets out a soft moan slowly manifest in your mind.

Confused, you carefully move your other hand towards your crotch: an electrifying sensation rushes through your body as your fingers touch something warm, soft and moist. As if your body is begging for it, you begin to gently stroke your fingers along the slimy lips. Your whole body begins to quiver as you feel an incredible sense of pleasure.

"I guess I should go see if the boys are awake yet! You whisper to yourself in a kinky tone.



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