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(caution, this is Upside-down-TF-content)

Actually, Simon just wanted to help out a bit, since his last few dates had been relatively unsuccessful. In a small store at the back of a relatively remote alley, he finally found what he was looking for: "Experimental love potions.

Full of anticipation, he opened the vial in front of his mirror a few days later. His female companion was already waiting at the entrance gate of his apartment... Well...a little extra help couldn't hurt! With a deep gulp he drank the whole vial, and immediately noticed a pleasant tingling...

The tingling got worse, and it became harder and harder for Simon to keep himself on his feet. In horror, he saw thick, dark fur grow over his arms as he slid to the ground before losing consciousness, panicking as he saw his hands turn into paws....

Simon fell into strange dreams.... some of which felt uncomfortably real.... His personality was split... a strange, feminine voice kept ordering him to finally come to it.... his body felt strangely remote, as if another being had taken it over....

"Wake up you stupid thing.... I don't feel anything..."

Simon felt strange. Somehow cramped and immobile, it was difficult for him to breathe. "Wake up my little one, we're about to have a date.... You've already missed almost a whole week.... I thought I wouldn't get any feeling from fucking anymore."

The voice sounded distant and yet seemed to come from everywhere at once. Simon tried to open his eyes, but everything around him was black. His mouth felt strangely relaxed and loose, and with increasing concern Simon noticed that he couldn't close it!

"No no... stop drooling, our date isn't here yet.... I don't want him to think I'm easy!

Suddenly Simon felt someone brush something large and soft across his face. His strangely numb lips wobbled as they felt something big.... He tried to scream as he felt them being squeezed and was horrified to find that they were soft, moist and stretchy.

"You're my cunt now, you hear me? And you're not going to fuck up my evening."

Simon wanted to scream when he realized that he was firmly trapped between two muscular thighs. The soft fabric of a pair of panties pressed against his face, while the fingers of his new mistress played mercilessly with the loose labia that had formed in place of his mouth.

"You know, I didn't think I'd enjoy this so much," the voice sneered. I was stuck in this stupid bottle for decades, waiting for someone stupid enough to get me out of this shitty store at the end of the street.... Too bad you're probably still inside me somewhere.... well, but i'll get your mouth shut for a while.... I've been looking just for guys with fat cocks to keep you busy".




Cunt and cock tf are so great!