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Mason slowly opened his eyes: A sickly, greenish light was filling the room and the smell of brackish, chlorinated waters hit the young man's nose. Where the hell was he? A dull pain pounded in his head, as he tried to stand up... “Ow... my head hurts...”

He remembered that he waited for a girl at the well down at Nilston Abbey.. but he couldn´t remember if she showed up or not. Mason touched the back of his head... thankfully it seemed that he wasn't bleeding. The dim light around him made it hard to recognize the place, but it seemed to be some kind of subterranean pumping-station.

He took a few steps towards the pit of greenish waters that gave off a sick, almost unnatural glow. As he stepped into the light, he suddenly realized, that someone had replaced his clothes while he was laying there knocked out!

In disbelief, Mason looked down his body and realized that he was wearing a rubber-like, tight-sitting dress that was several numbers too small. “What the fuck?!” His fingers touched the shiny latex that was wrapping tightly around his male body: It seemed that all of his other clothes had been taken away from him, since he was neither wearing shoes, socks or even shorts!

He turned around, as a noxious hissing came out of the shadows behind him. He stumbled backwards, as he saw a snake-like, two legged monster slipping out of a corridor at the other end of the room. In panic, Mason turned around and tried to run, but the creature was too fast: With a vicious hiss, it grabbed his shoulder and arm tightly.

“Looking for thiss girl, right?” The creature grinned as it fidgeted with a dirty photograph... the picture looked strangely familiar to Mason... just like he had seen it before?

“Ssssooo easy to lure you horny humans into my lair!” The creature grinned and threw away the photo with a drooling hiss. Suddenly, it dawned on Mason... this photo... it had been the picture in the profile of the girl he wanted to date!

“Please” Mason mumbled “Let me go... I... I wont tell anyone!” The creature mustered Mason in his dress. “Let you go?...”  He felt the grip around his shoulder growing tighter “...Why should I let my new breeder go?!” The eyes of the creature started to glow in the dark, as it lifted it's reptilian tail.

“P... Please!!” Mason tried to free himself from the creatures grip, but it was no use. “I just put you into thisss fancy dress I found in the ally above.... It fits you so perfectly.... my little slutty breeder....”

“S-stop calling me that!!” Mason tried to turn around and fight, no matter what. But before he was even able to move, he felt a thick, sticky mass raining down on him.

“UGHHH!!!” what is this stuff?!!” With a wet splurt!more of the thick, greenish sludge ran over his face. In horror, Mason looked up and saw that the sticky slime had come from the creatures tail and before he could even scream, the next load landed on his chest.

“Ssspecial formular, just for you” The creature hissed in devilish joy. “Your useless body will soon carry eggs... and give birth to more of us, to conquer the undercity!!”

“B... Breed?!” Mason started to panic and wipe away as much of the slime as he could. The skin on his face felt numb and paralyzed where the stuff had touched, and so did his fingers after a few desperate swipes.

“Don't fight....” The creature hissed and mustered Mason in his dress “You will be a perfect female soon... craving for my cock to fertilize your eggs!” The young man stumbled forwards a few steps – he had to get out of here... he had to run...

Mason saw the creature delightfully looking at the cornered human – like a snake that had trapped a mouse. “Ton't tell me you don't like....cocks” The additional pair of arms of the monster slipped  into the tight pants it was wearing and pulled it down to reveal a hard, veiny shaft.

Mason felt the reptile-creature pulling him closer mercilessly. The old latex-dress the monster had stuffed him into gave off a slight stench of female sweat and slowly started to dissolve from the disgusting slime the Sical had sprayed over him. The eyes of the monster glistened with a devilish glee, as Mason saw the hard reptile-penis twitching between its legs.

"You will be a good mate" The creature hissed, as the slime on Mason's skin paralyzed him. In horror, he saw his own penis slipping free from under the dirty latex-dress, as the monster pulled on it.... somehow the slime had managed to reach his crotch... and manipulated his cock to become rock-hard!...

“Ssssee?! You are already craving for my hard cock...” Disgusted, Mason felt the tips of both cocks meet each other, as the creature came a step closer and started to press its shaft against Mason's with its full length... "You will be my breeding female soon..."

The creature smiled briefly. The next moment, Mason realized that his chest was swelling and bloating under the dirty dress... Huge nipples soon pushed trough the fabric below, as he could do nothing as the monster started to undress him...

"sssoo nice and sssoft!" The creature hissed, as its claws ripped through the fabric of the dirty dress Mason was forced to wear... Mason felt the hard shaft of the creature pressing against his own, as the creature licked over his face.

“H... Hnoo, please....” In disbelief, he watched his new pair of breasts slowly growing bigger and bigger. Soon, his enlarged nipples rubbed over the inside of the dress as the creature pulled on it to make them slip free.

“What are you doing to me?!” Mason finally pulled free from the creature's grasp. “It'sss too late” The creature hissed, while it started to stroke it's moist, stiff cock in front of Mason, who was desperately trying to get out of the tight dress.

“Cant you feel the hunger for cocks deep inside?!” The monster grinned as Mason heard the testicles of the creature slapping against it's tights with every stroke.. “So nice and hard.... so juicy...”

Mason started to drool against his will... “Hnoo, this can't be happening!!” He looked as his hands as long nails grew out of his fingertips... The dress started to feel tighter around his hips....

“You will be begging for a hard shaft, soon!” The creature laughed as Mason tried to stumble away from it... he needed to get away from here... from these slapping sounds... or he would.... He felt his own cock slowly turning stiff.

Mason felt his spine elongate, as he tumbled forwards and closer towards the tunnels. His stiff member and breasts dangled in front of him. “Stop... thinking...” he mumbled to himself, but it was no use... pictures of the hard, veiny shaft appeared in his mind out of a sudden making Mason wanting to touch himself..

He opened his mouth aimlessly, fantasizing about sucking the moist, pulsing shaft as he stumbled further. “What... have you done to me???!” Drool flooded Masons mouth as he imagined the hot meat of the Sical slipping over his lips “Hnooo!!”

In visions of lewd lust, he opened his mouth as wide as he could, as he felt his lips peeling back to reveal a scaled snout, that was pushing out of his face.  Before Mason could do anything else, a gutteral moan escaped the drooling snout: 


“Speak your mind, my little breeder” The Sical triumphed “Let go of that unfertile body.... You know you want to!” Mason felt the hand of the creature pulling him back. “Hnoooo!!” With his mind still fighting the urge, he stood there with shaking knees. Wet smacks echoed through the thick air, as he tried to regain control over his mouth, but it seemed like it did not obey his will...

Again, Masons eyes fixed on the stiff meat of the Sical, as suddenly a burning lust rushed through his nethers: Mason cramped and tried to look down on himself, to see what was going on... the pair of huge breasts blocked his view down to his nethers, and he was unable to see his dick anymore!

“Now, its time to give you some useful parts!” The Sical hissed. Mason felt paralyzed. No matter what tiny movement he made, a flood of lust rushed through his body, making it impossible to think straight... “Your days as a male are over.... you are on the receiving end now”

“Hnoo... I... Im a guy..... Why... Why are you doing this?!” In horror, he saw his penis slowly shrinking between his legs, as his testicles grew back into his crotch as well to create a soft, swollen slit.

“Im afraid you have no choice” The tongue of the sical darted out of its mouth as it was obviously enjoying the pheromone-loaded air. “Your mind may not be ready yet... but your slutty body is aching for it!”

Both sides of Mason's chest started to itch as suddenly two large bulges pushed out right below Masons breasts. In horror, Mason staggered backwards, as the remaining dress ripped away to reveal an extra pair of arms, that did not obey his commands at all!

Within seconds, his new hands had travelled down his body and started to touch his newly grown womanhood. His mind bubbling with lust and completely new feelings, Mason bended forwards drooling, as he felt fingers plowing through his wet, slimy cunt.

“Hnoo, I... I cant stand this,,, hngrr...MAKE IT STOP!!” He felt the fingers pushing deeper inside him, while all he could do was watch and drool, as he was like a mere prisoner inside this body... doomed to experience the coming climax of his new cunt, as his body betrayed him.

He looked over to the Sical one more time, which was still stroking his stiff cock. Mason felt the warm drool of his snout dripping from his chin... Maybe being a breeder wasn't this bad at all... He shook his head... What was he even thinking?! He was a man after all, even tho this disgusting slime had changed him somehow.... “I will... not... give in!”

Again, the Sical grinned back at him with his hand around his stiff member.

“I need.. to... fight it...!”

Mason sank on his knees as he slowly faded into unconsciousness.


Mason opened his eyes again. He had no idea for how long he had been down here with his arms shackled to the wet, cold wall of the sewer.

"Hnooo..." he mumbled, as he looked down on his feminine body. He had hoped this all had been just some kind of feverish dream... the transformation.. the strong feeling of lust burning in his nethers... He moved his body left and right on the weird kind of altar he was trapped on... His soft breasts wiggled as he tilted his chest...

"I'm... I'm... not a girl!" His additional arms seemed to  move on their own and gently pushed their hands against Masons soft tits... "Hgnn!! STOP IT!!"

Like they were disobeying his will on purpose, the additional hands slowly travelled further down his body, as Mason could do nothing but watch...

It was like his lower body and additional arms had a mind on their own... a mind of a lusty, horny female obviously... "Don't... pleas don't touch it!" Mason plead, as both hands caressed the inside of his tights that he spreaded widely against his will.

pictures of hard cocks of all kinds flashed up in Masons mind... "Hno... so disgusting... " Grossed out, he shook his head "...Need to think about something... else... I'm a man... real man...."

He felt one of the hands he couldn't control starting to play with the slimy slit between his legs that had replaced his former male genitals. Slight touches pushed deeper and deeper agains the soft folds, until the fingers greedly plowed between the meaty lips, making Mason ache his back and moan out in pleasure against his will.

Lust filled Masons mind... more fantasies of thick, hard dicks... he was unable to think about something else, as the fingers pushed deeper... "Hnoo... stop... please...!" He cried, as he slowly felt wishing the fingers inside him would be replaced by something thick and pulsing....




Bravooooooo 👏👏👏 Another Masterpiece 👏👏👏👌👌👌 Very happy and satisfied 😊😊😊 Beautiful 😍 Absolutely Beautiful 😍😘😘😘


Um, it doesn't seem like you finished that one.