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Collin coughed as the dust of the pit in front of him slowly settled “Alicia, look! I found another one!”

The red-haired girl stopped to inspect the fossils in front of her for a moment and looked over to what Collin had found “ That makes two, right? It seems this cave might have been a gathering-point for the herd!” She carefully adjusted her glasses and looked back to the petrified bones that lied to her feet.

“ I'm thrilled to learn more about this species... I think this one is a female, the skull is way smaller and less bulky.... I wonder if they formed monogamous relationships...” Collin carefully removed some dust from around the skull, as more bones came to the surface.. “Yep, a whole skeleton again... a little clustered and all over the place... I bet the sands in here moved a lot over the past thousand years.”

Again a big dusty cloud emerged from Collins nervous brushing “*ugh*... I guess I need a mask... that stupid sand is everywhere!”  Collins nose started to tickle, he threw his head back and left out a huge sneeze “Hachoo!!”

Collin opened his eyes... something has gone terribly wrong! Thick strands of slime dripped from his nose and mouth, which looked strange from his perspective... “A. Alicia... s... something is happening to me!” A weird pressure had formed on Collin's face, like his head was bulging... growing.... In terror, he realized that his sneeze had kinda peeled back his face like an old mask. Instead of his teeth, a beak-like horn-structure was peeking out of his drooling mouth...

“Alifia... heelp meee!!” He looked as his hands and saw his fingers fuse, creating plump, leathery claws that bursted out from beneath his skin. “Hnooo.... Oh gawwd...”

Collins hips widened and his shirt started to grow tighter... his whole body was slowly turning... fat!

Alicia screamed, as she turned around and saw what was happening to her colleague “COLLIN, WHAT THE?!”

Colin felt his mind slowly degenerating... only honking, wet sounds escaped his growing beak, as he saw the skin on his belly rip open to reveal a leathery and ugly skin below “Lifia.... HELP....”

His pants ripped and revealed his pre-leaking penis that dangled over his waistband almost flaccid..

Alicia stood there petrified. More and more of his old skin fell off Collin, revealing leathery, brown skin on a massy body. Meanwhile, Colins grunts had turned into desperate rutting-calls. Again and again he touched the pair of obscenely large breasts that had grown on his chest in a mix of feral lust and disbelief. “BREED.... need... to BREED!!”

Collins plump hands clumsily rubbed over his crotch... his penis had slowly receded back into his body, and now more and more started to resemble a swollen Nub that slowly grew back into a lumpy slit between his legs.  “HEEELP... BREEED!!” One of his thick fingers greedily slid over the meaty labia that had formed out of his testicles as strands of thick slime sticked to it.

“I... I will get you help Collin... just... just wait here!” Alicia looked around... Skirran powder... she needed some TF reversal... and she needed it fast! She stumbled backwards and tripped over one of the tiny fences she installed to trace out the fossils.

“Hnooo!” Alicia fell into the dust and now saw Collins new body standing right in front of her.

Thick, milky slime was still dripping from his new leathery skin. His head – out of all recognition – had turned into the thick skull of a Theroxian and almost resembled the skull to his feet like they were two peas in a pod.

The cave shook as Collin let out a loud, deep rutting call. With feral instincts he grabbed his crotch and plowed through his newly gained womanhood as he turned around and came closer...

Collin now towered over Alicia, who was lying in the dust defenseless. “HMMMAAAATE!” The Theroxian cow that once was her coleague growled as it greedily looked down to Alicia.

The smell of the cunt above her was unbearable lewd.... Alicia tried to hold her breath and crawl away. “Please!... let me get help!!”

The Theroxian growled again and slowly sunk to it's knees to bring her smelly cunt even closer towards her face. “Breeed!”

Alicia shook her head and tried to get away, but the knees of the massive dinosaur-woman pinned her to the ground. “please.... I can't.... let me... get help!”

But it was too late, the smelly swollen lips of the Theroxians nethers mercilessly pushed against Alicias face so she couldn't breathe anymore “HNNN!!”

The stench of sweat and female arousal flooded Alicias nose, as she had no other choice than to gasp for air with her mouth, resulting in her tongue touching the lewd, messy lips of the creature that pinned her to the ground.

Alicia struggled and screamed... only to be muffled by the fat sweaty lips of the Theroxians cunt


At first, Alicia felt like she was going to puke. The Theroxian moved its crotch and rubbed it against her face to make sure more and more of her liquids spilled on her.

She felt a strong hand grabbing the back of her head, forcing her to lick the creatures cunt as more and more milky liquids poured over her face and into her throat.

After a while, Alicia became used to it... she was even slowly... turned on by this? “Wht are hu doing tu mwe?!” She cried out, still muffled by the smelly cunt she was forced to eat.

She felt her face slowly turning numb... something was happening to her! A strange pressure at the top of her head … her nose slowly started to grow... This juices.... they changed her!!

The Teroxian finally let go of Alicias head and growled in delight as she saw what was about to happen to the young female:

In disbelief, Alicia watched her hands ripping open, slowly revealing the same leathery, warty claws her captor had used to lick her cunt. “This... This isn't happening!!!”

Drool spilled out of her mouth uncontrollable, as Alicia felt her mouth being forced open by a disgusting horned-beak. Loud grunts and wet smacks filled the cave as her skull slowly morphed into the skull of a Theroxian.

Grunting and dripping with all kinds of liquids, Alicia looked at her hands in horror... “WHAT... YOU... DONE?!”

Her mind was already growing simpler and simpler.. Long strands of drool were still connecting her to the dripping nethers of the cow she licked so dearly.

Alicias skin itched and ripped open, only to reveal a warty, greenish skin below. Her belly grew fat and bloated, and something strange was happening in her shorts...

She was unable to concentrate any longer... pictures of lewd sex with Theroxian cows flashed up in her head... sex where she looked down on herself and had a massive, veiny prick she drilled into moist cunts... “HNOO....”  Alicia took a deep breath as the first wave of male sweat and pheromones flooded her nose.... a stench that clearly came from her OWN BODY!

In disgust, Alicia saw a giant bulge growing in her shorts as her body started to excrete more and more male stench... with tears in her eyes, She carefully started to open her pants, only to let out a feral grunt of terror as she saw what was happening:

Her pussy was swollen to a point, it looked like a soft, leathery sack that was dangling between her legs, compressed by her tight panties. A tiny bulge twitched right at the spot where her clit used to be, causing an unbearable feeling of lust and need to penetrate something.

Within seconds, the small bulge grew longer and bigger into a long, sweaty rod that was stressing Alicias Panties to the max. with the lewd, warty sack dangling out of her female underwear, veins started to pump blood into her growing cock as coarse hairs started to grow in her crotch.

“HGNOOO!!!.... B.... BREEEED!!” Alicia shouted desperately, as she pulled her panties down to let her new thick member slip free. Her body shivered. This.. penis fascinated her.. it felt so strange... so alien to feel this fleshy sack dangle between her tights while the stiff meat of her cock bounced up and down.

The strong leathery hand of the cow touched Alicia's shoulder. With a lewd look in her Theroxian eyes, she mustered what had grown out of Alicias crotch. Drool ran down the cows chin, and she immediately started to rub her nethers again...

Alicias shock of becoming a male was slowly overpowered by a strong, pulsing sensation, as she mustered the Theroxian cow that once had been Connor: These lush tits looked so lewd and hot with these warty nipples out of a sudden....

Alicia tried to fight it... but it was no use... she already felt the testosterone rushing through her body, causing her own tits to shrink, as her cock grew hard...”Hnoo... Please... stop.. i'm a... girl”

As if the massive, veiny prick between her legs wanted to disagree itself, a small drip of clean pre dripped from the tip. Alicias breasts shrunk further and further, until they became a sad resemblance to a woman's chest.

"Soo fuuucking Ugly!" Alicia growled with her useless tits wobling on her fat belly. Her hard, veiny cock twitched as she couldn't take her eyes off the cows unshaved, warty nethers...

“BREED.... We need to... repopulate”






Great sequence and story! I love it! However, one question: why does the human woman not finish transforming into a male? Why does she end with smaller, asymmetrical breasts?


Hmm, good question! The mutagen was probably a bit instabile and so she did not turn completely :0


That doesn't explain the difference between BOTH of their transformations.


If it was unstable why didn't it affect BOTH of them?