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Password: SEXYSPRING22

“I need to get out of here, this beast is far too strong!” Elora rushed down the ancient stairs of the old  monastery while she skillfully jumped over piles of rubble in the courtyard. She didn´t dare to take a look back, but the sound of the smacking doors behind her told her that the Banedragon was still behind her. What the hell had she been thinking?

Quickly she slipped behind the crumbled remains of a wall – not a second too late as she heard the impact of some magical projectile hitting the stone behind her.

Elora should have known better. She was an experienced inquisitor right now, but even she did not stand a chance against the ancient evil that was haunting this place. “Get out, you little rat!”

The magic-boosted voice of the Banedragon rumbled like thunder through the courtyard.

Suddenly, Elora felt a strange burning on her face. She knew that she got hit by the Dragon as it had surprised her in the main hall... In horror she realized, that the scar on her face was obviously not a regular wound as it started to glow in a blueish light..

“No need to hide anymore, little vermin... You are mine already!”

Elora tried to run, but her legs only took her a few steps... something was holding her back... it was like she was unable to resist the will of the dragon, which had started to chant in a strange language...

“I... I need to get out of here... get... help...” The burning grew worse as she was fighting an invisible wall and a magical weight that was pulling her down. The chants of the dragon grew louder behind her, as suddenly Eloras sword-hand started to twitch uncontrollable.

The blade escaped her grip and landed in the mud. In disbelief, Elora looked at her twitching hand as weird bulges formed under the fabric of her gloves. “Hnoo... gnnnn!...”

Elora screamed in horror, as dirty, yellowish claws ripped free from her own glove! A smelly, disgusting slime dripped from the blue, warty skin that had replaced her human skin... her once thin fingers had mutated into disgusting, knobbed claws.

“What... WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!!” Her new monstrous hand ripped her glove to shreds as It peeled out from the fabric.

“Stupid thing... My curse is working on you!... soon you will be nothing than my obedient lapdog!”

Disgusted and still unable to move Elora could do nothing but watch, as the horrible changes continued to disfigure her body... everywhere, her armor and clothes ripped open as she felt her tights growing thick and muscular. The mutating ligaments in her wades forced her to squat, as the weight of her growing tits slowly pulled her upper torso down.

“No... oh gawd!”... The drool that dripped from her chin felt thick and stringy – more like a smelly glue than human spit... A deep, animalistic growl traveled through Eloras throat, as her breast-plate dropped down into the mud.

Her massive tits looked swollen and were covered in a wrinkly, soft skin. Her once delicate nipples had bloated into warty, obscene mounds. A vile, fishy stench suddenly entered her nose that came from further below. “Hno... oh please no...”

“You will make a perfect Lizard-servant my dear” The Banedragon triumphed on the stairs behind her. “These sweet pheromones from your cunt will turn my boys crazy!”

Horrified, but already too weak to fight it, Elora saw her spine elongate into a big, blue tail, that ripped away most of her coat. A weird aching started to fill her nethers, almost like the Banedragon had also taken control of her most private parts....

With a devilish grin, the Banedragon slowly descended from the stairs and twitched her wings. The closer she came towards Elora, the more the young girl felt the presence of her new mistress.

“Lets remove this nasty old skin, shall we?” The Banedragon snickered as blue lines of magic started to dissolve what was left of Eloras old skin.

In disbelief, the former human female looked down on herself... her whole body was covered in a blue, warty and scaly skin now. Her new anatomy made it almost impossible for her to stand upright anymore... Her feet had grown into disgusting talons that clawed deep into the mussy ground below her.

Time for the final changes my little servant... I promise we will have a great time together!”

Eloras body jolted out of a sudden -  the muscles in her back forced her ribcage to sink even lower!. “Hgrrn... Pleaf!...” Her tail grew thicker and started to twitch from left to right, as Elora drooled like some kind of primitive animal. Her heavy tits dangled below her, as her new body locked her in this bent-over-pose.

“No need to stand upright... my boys need to see if you are willing to... mate, you know?!” The Banedragon laughed and gave Eloras Butt a slab. “Maiden of the Inquisition, so they say, right? - You have a lot of dirty raptor-sex in front of you to make up for the lost time with these losers!”

A feral grunt escaped Eloras throat, as she felt her exposed nethers burning with unknown lust. “Hgrnoow... ftop... Uhg... pleaaaf... need... so badly!!” Sharp teeth growing in her mouth made it harder and harder to speak.  With her clawed hands, Elora desperately tried to reach her nethers, but it was no use... she was unable to reach her own sex anymore!

“need.... fuuck!!” Her cunt burned with desire. The fact she was unable to please herself drove Elora crazy.. The thought of sex soon dominated her mind... “mate.... fuck...” She grabbed her mutated waist, and spreaded her cheeks in the effort to reach the naughty slit between her legs.

“good girl” the Banedragon smiled and touched her shoulder. Just a few more changes and you will be my perfect little servant....”

Elora nodded and grunted. Her jaws moved in a weird way and with a rather delighted grow, She felt a scalie snout pushing out of her face. Drool dripped to the ground everywhere, as her human face slowly grew into the scaled visage of a plainsrunner-raptor.

Her mistress stood behind her and touched her shoulder gently “I know what you need right now... I got it right here...” The newly transformed raptor-girl looked to the side and saw the Banedragons other hand gently stroking along a hard, draconic shaft.

Again, Elora felt the pleasure burn in her nethers and she was unable to think straight... She felt incredibly good out of a sudden... all she wanted was being pleased.... serve her mistress … life was so easy.

A few hours later, Elora had gotten used to her new, simple life. Drooling and snarling, she ranged the courtyard in the search of food. The belly between her legs had swollen up and felt heavy and just as her raptor-brain spotted something it deemed edible between the wastes, she felt her cunt overflowing with thick, milky liquids.

Elora growled and spread her legs instinctively... She lowered herself, knowing that her new body was ready to lay eggs. A gush of liquid darted out of her cunt and soaked the muddy ground in smelly raptor-juice. Elora spread her legs even further, as she felt something big and hard slowly spreading her cunt while pushing out.




no picture 07?


Under the fourth image: “No need to stand upright... my boys need to see if you are willing to... mate, you know?!” The Banedragon laughed and gave Eloras Butt a SLAB.