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Password: SEXYSPRING22

“Im glad you joined us in this very special night, human” The Necran girl grinned as she stepped out of the shadow of a giant column. Surprised by her sudden appearance, 

Alister almost jumped a few feet back as the hooed figure approached him without making a sound.

The Necra was wearing nothing but a long, black cloak and the white skin of her bare breasts flashed from underneath with every elegant step she took as she came closer. “I knew you would come... you humans always are as curious as Skirran pests if someone mentions money...” 

She snapped her fingers and Alister heard the massive doors of the old Necran church shutting behind him. “This is a trap! What do you want from me?!” 

Suddenly, all these urban legends of Necran Vampires sucking the blood of innocents raced through Alistairs mind “ You want my blood?... The Inquisition would never allow this!!”

The face of the Necran girl came very close – a devilish grin flickered across her face. “Its not your blood, don’ t worry” Again her fingers snapped as a bunch of candles lit up in a ghostly blue light and she got rid of her cloak. “Human blood is too easy to obtain... your species is defenseless and stupid at best...” 

She looked at him as she walked around him like a predator mustering its prey. Paralyzed Alistair felt  a lump in his throat... he knew trying to run now could mean certain death.

“The Nightcouncil” The Necran continued as her eyes locked on him “- They hold a meeting tonight, you know? The houses Atocrat and Heistocrat... two of the oldest Necran families” She gestured towards a carpet at the wall“This means, our circle needs to grow...”

Alistair panicked as he saw a purple glow coming from below him. Weird lines of magical lights moved over the floor and slowly forming a circle around him. “You won´t need these pathetic clothes anymore”

With a gesture, the Necran dissolved Alistairs clothes as if they had turned into ash in mere seconds.

“S-stop... Let me go... please!!” The light below him grew brighter and just as his panic started to trigger an impetus of flight, Alistair felt hot, magical shackles darting out from the ground, clinging around his wrists.

“Tz Tz... Stay here... you have no idea what an honor it is to join our circle” Alistair felt the hot shackles burning on his wrists. It was like they were made out of some kind of purple energy and mercilessly dragging his arms further down towards the signs on the floor.

“Stop it... I will call the Inquisition!!” Alistair sunk to his knees as the Necrans mumbled a few cryptic words. “Your inquisition has no power here... Tinora belongs to the church of Tino... How pathetic of you to think a better militia that deals with pests and monsters could ever tell us what to do!”

“Faith - ” The Necran smiled as she reached out her hand over Alistair “Faith always was our sharpest weapon!” 

Alistair felt something hot closing around his throat. A thin leash made of purple light floated through the air and right into the open hand of the Necra. She had collared him and trapped him inside this magical circle. “Your first lesson you need to learn... is to obey your new high priestess!”

Alistair felt the leash around his neck being pulled by the Necra that came closer. “Hmmm... looks like the magic of the circle is already workingon you...” The priestess smiled as she looked down on him with an evil grin.

In horror, Alistair realized that his flat, male breast had started to bulge.The magic around him was starting to change him!!  “S... stop it.... What are you doing to me?! Alistair felt his nipples growing bigger and stiffer while the bulges in front of him slowly formed into soft, female breasts.

“You will get the chance to work your way up in the circle.... But in your first years you will be my personal, loyal slave” The Necra laughed out loud “This spell will not only turn you into one of us... It will make you addicted to me...”

She pulled Alistair closer with the leash until he was directly below her. Shackled by the chains that pinned him to the floor, Alister tried to get away with all of his strength, but it was no use.

“How about licking my paw as your first act of servitude, little slut?” 

Her hand ran over her hips before she lifted one of her legs in front of Alistair. “Yeah... Proof to be worthy of my naughtier parts!”

Whimpering and only barely able to breathe Alistair could do nothing, as the warm Paw gently pressed against his face. “Hnnn... Pleafe...hnnn!!”  The Necra smiled in sadistic joy as her paw pressed against his lips. “You like it, slut, can’t you feel it?!” 

Alister tried to fight urges that clouded his mind out of a sudden... It was like she was commanding him... and he was enjoying it!! Slowly, he opened his mouth... and felt his dick getting hard at the thought of serving his mistress...

“Good Slut” The Necra laughed with a strict face as she pulled her paw from Alistair’s mouth and nose. “Now for the real job I got in store...” 

Her hands gently played with the short, bushy hair growing in her crotch. “Time to show me your obedience, little slave...” Her hips waved in a circular movement as her cunt slowly came closer towards Alister´s face. Unable to look away, he felt his cockthrobbing with need as he saw the wet,  naughty lips of his mistress slowly coming closer. 

“Make your mistress happy, little slut..” The Necra tightened her grip on the leash and pulled Alistair between her legs. The thick, warm air of her crotch felt wonderful to him.... he slowly opened his mouth voluntarily... he wanted to serve her... suck her... taste her... 

His lips engulfed the soft, sensitive bulge that surrounded the wet slit of his mistress as she finally reached his face. Alistair’s eyes rolled back, as he felt his head being grabbed and pushed tightly into the Necra’s cunt. A wet smack escaped his lips as he felt his drool mixing with the juices of her pussy...

“Mmmmh, greedy cuntboy.... looks like you almost starved without you new favorite diet, right? You LOVE the smell and taste of pussy from now on... You can´t think about anything else when you smell this:” 

Again, she grabbed Alistair’s head and pushed his nose into her pubic hairs. Drool and cuntjuices ran over his cheeks and chin as farting, smacking noises echoed through the church. “Cunts.... can’t think.... must... eat....” His tongue slipped between the slimy lips and drilled deeper... “MUST eat CUNT!”

Alistair had no idea how long his face had been stuck between the Necra’stights. The only thing he knew was that he could have continued forever, if his mistress hadn´t suddenly stopped and stepped back from him.

“Your body made great progress, too!” Still in a daze Alistair looked down on himself:His body was covered in a soft, dark fur it seemed.... most of his muscleslooked way less developed and two massive breasts dangled from his chest.

“Marvelous!... Now let the gods from below introduce you to your new role as well!” The Necra laughed, as countless tentacles emerged from the portal below. Still drunken from the lust and pleasure, Alistair moaned as her felt them curling around his limbs and lifting him up. Blindly, they tightened their grip and entered every hole they could find.

More fur grew over Alistair body as the tentacles from the portal lifted him up and rendered him defenseless. The pressure in his nethers started to change more and more into a feeling of need and emptiness. Alistair moaned out loud as he saw his cock slowly growing back into his body from the magic around him.

His testicles quickly were nothing but a soft bulge, covered in short, white fur, as he felt his once hard penis slowly being sucked between wet, female labia. “You won’t need your dick anymore anyways my little slave” The Necra laughed – and strangely, Alistair agreed that he couldn’t care less. All he wanted was to be with his mistress and make her proud.



Mia Larsen

Love it so much!


My current favorite - great job!