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Link to the Google-Drive: https://forms.gle/WnDJnGayyHfbLxjAA 

Password: SEXYSPRING22

“Hello? Tour guide?” Miranda walked a bit faster towards the sliding gate where she had left the group a few minutes ago. As a part of a cultural-exchange-class, Miranda had the chance to visit Lenegast and learn about the everyday-life and traditions of the Ferons. 

She looked to her left and right, but it seemed that her tour group had moved onwards – but in which direction?! Nervously, she walked up and down the hallway, before she decided to leave the building through the sliding gate.  

“Oof” Miranda felt like she had walked through a wall of warm water. The climate inside the cave she had just entered was incredibly moist and hot and everything was covered in thin layers of a yellowish, viscous slime.

The gate behind her sealed with a technical, fizzling noise and before Miranda even realized it, she was trapped inside the weird cave. 

“Hey!... HEY!” Miranda slowly started to panic, as she realized that the door behind her had sealed shut. After a few minutes of hammering against the gate, she turned around and resigned: She had to find another way out of here.For almost half an hour, Miranda had followed the massive front of the buildingin the hope to find another door or window and she smiled in relief, as she saw the rocky outback through a fence. “Whew, thought I would be trapped in here forever!” The hot, moist climate in the cave had soaked her clothes and exhausted her – and for the first time she notices that the area was crowded with thick, slimy worms.

“Eew!” She carefully tried not to step on any of the fat, wiggling bodies on the ground. It seemed like all these worms had crawled out of their holes to... follow her? Disgusted, she looked around... More and more ugly worms emerged from the holes around her...

“WHAT THE?!” With a wet splat, a thick Worm slapped right onto Miranda´s chest from above. In horror, the young girl looked up and saw that also the ceiling was swarmed with slimy. Helpless bodies that dropped down on her one after another...

“Gawd, NOOO! GET AWAY FROM ME!!”  More and more slimy worms dropped on Miranda from the ceiling, while others started to crawl up her legs. She tried to grab them and throw them away, but their slimy bodies stuck to her skin like they excreted some kind of disgusting super-glue.

In no time, the worms had reached her hips and Miranda felt one of them slowly slither inside her pants. “GET... OFFF!!” She managed to pull one of the worms off her cleavage and realized in horror, that the slime was not only sticky as hell, but also dissolving her clothes!

Dozens of worms had swarmed Mirandas beautiful body by now while their slime had mercilessly melted away her clothes. She felt her nude breasts soaked in thick slime as more and more worms gathered on her chest. A sour taste that reminded Miranda of pineapple entered her mouth, as the worms even reached her head and slithered over her face...  Only seconds later, she was unable to move – her body just a wiggling mess of worms and slime.

All of her skin felt sticky and icky as the worms slowly started to let go of her. All of her clothes had dissolved into nothing, and now she stood there naked in the middle of the cave. “What... what is happening to me?!”

Miranda looked at her breasts in disbelief: Her small well-shaped nipples had turned into disgustingly bloated mounds. It felt like they grew bigger and lewder by the minute. 

Still weak on her knees and covered in slime, Miranda stumbled forwards a few steps. She needed somewhere to hide... she was just standing here completely nude! Her breasts had almost doubled in size by now and their weight, combined with the slippery ground made it difficult to stand for her.

A strange, pulsing pressure started to build right below her hugely bloated, warty nipples as they grew insanely sensitive. Carefully, Miranda touched them with her fingers and felt a warm gush of sticky liquid flowing out the swollen mounds. “This... Hnggg... this can’t be.... Am I... lactating?!”

Carefully, she lifted her heavy tits. In disgust, she felt the warm liquids from her teats running over her hands as she watched her nipples growing ever larger and more obscene.

“Ugh... no … please!” pleasure shot through her body as thick gushes of milky slime started to squirt from her bloated nipples... something inside there was moving... something long and...

Miranda squinted her eyes as the pressure in her tits peaked. She felt her nipples being stretched and it felt insanely pleasurable! Warm, sticky liquids flowed down her body as a vile screech disrupted the silence. Miranda opened her eyes and saw 2 disgusting worm-heads that had pushed out from her swollen breasts. 

Shocked and paralyzed she was unable to notice that her skin had started to change into a wet, mucous membrane. Two insectoid mandibles slowly pushed out of the corners of her mouth, making it impossible for her to stop her drool from flowing.

Still not realizing that her skin was slowly turning into a sticky maggot-hide Miranda grabbed the disgusting worms that twitched from her nipples aimlessly. Their segmented bodies send a shiver of unbearable pleasure down her spine the more she pulled on them. 

With her mouth stretched open by chitinous mandibles, Miranda moaned in pleasure with every inch she pulled the worms out of her tits. *Hnooo shhllll... ohhh shhlll *

Miranda sunk to her knees due to the massive pleasure. All of this felt so wrong – so deviant.... but also so wonderful and good! The mandibles in her mouth twitched in delight, as “her” worms slipped out of her tits more and more. 

For now, Miranda noticed that all of her body had turned sticky and slimy, her former human skin replaced by a moist membrane of maggot-flesh. All of her body felt warm and pulsing... every touch was so sensitive... so stimulating

to her... It was like she was able to truly feel her body for the first time in her life!

With every minute a strange urge build up in Mirandas mind... something told her she needed to take care of these worms around her... protect them... like a strange maternal instinct. Before she even knew what she was doing, Miranda opened her mouth and let out a highly-pitched, screeching sound most worms around her seemed to recognize...

They started to gather and come closer, but instead of being disgusted or afraid, Miranda continued to lure them. More and more Worms approached her until she was completely surrounded by them. Still not knowing what her body was doing, Miranda felt a gush of fresh, warm slime dripping from her exposed pussy.

A part of Miranda still fought the urges of her new body, as more and more worms started to coil around her legs and waist as they knew exactly where to go. Unsure what to do, Miranda tried to keep them away from her pussy, but her maternal instincts quickly took over her mind.

It was the right thing to protect her brood... they needed her to stay alive and grow... 

Miranda leaned back and spread her legs, welcoming her brood. More and more warm liquids dripped from her pussy as she felt a bulge growing from her butt as an eggsack slowly grew out of her.... a perfect place for all of her children to stay until they grew old enough to live on their own...

Her mandibles clicked as she let out a loud moan of pleasure as the first of her brood crawled inside her womanhood. The feeling of the thick, soft body twitching inside her was feeling so incredible – far better than anything she had ever experienced before! 

“Deeper.... DEEPER!!” Drool dripped from her chin, as she felt the worms squeezing inside her newly grown eggsack through her cunt... “More.... … Come to me my children!”

One worm after the other entered Mirandas body until the sack on her abdomen was filled with dozens of them. She took a deep breath... A little proud of herself,

she looked over the massive, bulgy sack that was now a part of her: “Don’t worry, I will take care of all of you” She smiled

A few hours later, Miranda heard someone pouncing against one of the Massive windows behind her.

“HEY! What is a Nymph doing inside the underhive?!” Miranda turned around and saw 2 Feron warriors behind the glass. She shrugged and tried to explain that she wasn’t even a Nymph – until she looked down on herself and realized that she did not have any convincing arguments.

A door slid open and the two Insectoid females entered the cave. “You are lucky that there was no nameless-thing around – They eat Nymphs like you for breakfast! - Come, let´s get you inside the inner circle to the other Nymphs... you are far too important to be maggot-food”




An awesome story and sequence! Miranda isn't looking for an owner is she? ^^


Thanks, im glad you like it! :3 she is available to buy, yesh ^^


I'd love to if able; I'm happy to discuss further in private messages. ^^


Oof I love this! Would be amazing to see her turn into a Nameless worm though.❤️❤️❤️