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Penga Cocknagas are a very rare mutation of a Slurper that has been chosen as a host by multiple Lifflux elementals at once.

Through the high amount of male, mutagenic hormones Liffluxes are made of, the hosts body rapidly mutates into a giant, almost mindless genital. The victim itself is trapped in a daze between joy and incredible lust - being well aware of its new, obscene form while not caring for much more than being pleasured or penetrate something.

Penga Cocknagas are very defenseless on their own since they are basically just giant cocks.

Due to the productivity of their giant testicles, the Liffluxes inside them grow stronger and stronger tho, soon starting to convert more victims into new hosts (Slurpers).

To transform a victim into a Cocknaga, multiple Liffluxes need to enter it’s body. Triggered by the flood of male hormones, the victim soon starts to experience a massive increase of body-hair and musky smell on their bodies. It looks like a regular Slurper-TF while the leathery ballsack and cock-head develops, but as soon as a critical mass of the victim is infected by the Liffluxes, it’s lower body will start to degenerate into one giant cock. 

The transformation itself is permanent and irreversible, as long as there are parts of the Liffluxes left inside the victims body. To heal a Penga Cocknaga - or at least restore her original state of mind, it needs to be pleasured to a point where most of the Lifflux has left the body.

These twisted creatures often can be found within Lyran temples, where they are bred and usually serve as lust-slaves for the Lyran Queens to please their hyper-cunts.




Love it!


Bravooooooo 👏👏👏 this is absolutely Great 👏👏👏 WOW look how she got erotic!!!! Excellent work Lu 👌👌👌


You know no one actually knows what the race body stats are for a human. So we don’t always know if they get higher or lower post transformation.


Great Work! But why are they not in the Google Drive? It's easier to find over there.

Mary Mee (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-17 23:07:52 This is perfect. <3
2022-04-09 04:22:03 This is perfect. <3

This is perfect. <3

Mary Mee

idk, the idea that they're *always* stronger than humans is really exciting to me ^_^