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New Sequence in the Sequence-Folder  ٩(◉ᴥ◉)۶


New Password: "WINTERFUN"

The wet sounds of her steps echoed through the empty tunnels below the city, as Elena continued her inspection of the old and dirty walls. “Strange” - The light of her flashlight wandered over the dirty concrete and up the curved walls. The sewers were build like giant tubes, convoluted and labyrinthine... almost like arteries of a giant organism.

“No leaks yet” Elena mumbled. Within the past weeks, the complaints of citizens about bad water-quality had stacked on her desk – up to a point where Elena couldn´t just ignore them anymore and had to get down here to find a good explanation.

“Shh, get away!” Carefully, Elena pressed her boot against one of the giant sewer-slugs that inhabited the tunnels to move it out of the way. The creature smacked, as it was shoved to the side and continued to crawl in a different direction.

“Need to call the purification-team I guess... this tunnel is really swarmed by these sewage-eaters”

Elena carefully climbed down to check the water in the middle of the tunnel. She didnt notice it at first, but somehow, it was hard to walk through the brackish water.. “Damn, its almost thick like mud!”

Elena realized that she had made a big mistake walking that far into the thick, slimy pool. The water didnt even move anymore it seemed and she was unable to pull her still sinking boots out of the sludge.

The very same moment, she noticed something thick and glistening running down her shoulder and looked up. The ceiling of the tunnel was filled with hundreds of slugs, each of them dripping with thick slime.

Before Elena was even able to react, some of the slime had dripped onto her head “Uhg... crap... fuck, I need to get... out...” Again, she tried to free herself, but it was no use: Her feet were stuck in the thick layer of greenish slime.

Out of a sudden, a heavy weight hit Elena from the top... “EEEWW!, WHAT THE FUCK?!!” Something cold and slippery had just dropped right onto her shoulder... something that made disgusting, slurping sounds and seemed to suck tightly against her protection-suit.

In horror, Elena saw a single, reptilian eye staring at her, filled with a vile, feral glee, just like a predator that was playing with it´s prey.

“GET OFF!! EWWW!” Her hands pushed inside the slimy, saggy body of the slug that was greedily sucking deeper into her suit. To Elena´s dismay, she felt the cold slime now also on her skin, and saw in panic, that the disgusting slug was obviously able to dissolve her protection-suit!

“Stop it... NOOOO!!!”Elena cried and pushed against the slug-body, “GET OFF ME... PLEASE!!”

Greedy smacks answered her pleas, as the slug mercilessly continued to turn her suit into thick slime.

It was no use. Elena couldn't move her feet... It seemed that the sludge she was standing in was just as toxic as the giant slug that was sucking on her shoulder. Within minutes, her boots had vanished into nothingness, leaving her on her bare feet standing in a pool of thick slug-sewage she was unable to escape.

Soon, the slime of the Slug on her shoulder had run down almost her whole arm and it felt cold and heavy like a thick, disgusting full-arm glove. At least, that the sucking of the creature had become less annoying and painful as before it seemed, but then again, Elena was feeling a weird chill in the area where the slug was slowly fusing with her.

Confused, she looked at her shoulder... Fusing!?... “NO!! STOP THAT!!!” The skin around the slug was looking swollen and bloated... it seemed to excrete slime on its own!.... like it had mutated and become... slug flesh?

In disbelief, Elena lifter her arm and screamed: Her filigree hands had turned into a wrinkly, disgusting and slime-dripping claw with only 3 fingers! “No... No!!... This is bad!... This must be a nightmare!!”

Her bicep looked swollen and strong, but was covered in disgusting slug-skin … her nails more looked like reptilian claws that emerged from her greenish, bulky fingers.

Suddenly, Elena felt a second hit on her tights... “Hrrnow... Pleaf...” Slime was now also crawling up her neck and into her face, while turning her smooth human skin into slug-flesh. A second slug had fallen down from the ceiling and was now dissolving what was left of the Suit on her hips...

Elena tried to spit and bite, as the slime slowly started to cover and flow into her mouth... feral and disgusting gurgles escaped her throat, as she felt her insides slowly mutating as well. Her left eye was covered by the Slug-slime first, but to Elenas surprise, she was able to see through it nonetheless.

After a short headache, her view seemed blurred and strangely black-and-white... It was like she could see in the dark now! Eventually, Elena was unable to top the slime from entering her throat. A loud gurgle echoed through the tunnel, as she pressed out disgusting, feral noises out of her throat-

“Hnrooow.... Shrlllug!!” Slime dripped from her chin and onto her chest. In horror, Elena looked at her body with her last remaining, human eye: Her tits looked lewdly bloated with slug-skin, while her arms started to remove the last pieces of intimate clothing against her own will.

A weird tickle below her stomach was telling her, that something was going on with her nethers but it seemed that she was more of a prisoner inside her own, transforming body: Doomed to watch it change until the very end.

Something between her legs was wiggling... itching... a disgusting feeling like a thick clump of sludge that was slowly running down the inside of her leg... A primitive “Sluuug!” Escaped her mouth, as she realized that a thick, disgusting body was slowly pushing out of her womanhood!!

Elenas growls were only interrupted by a loud splat, as the slug that had just crawled out of her cunt landed into the slime between her feet.

Elena felt the slime changing her body more and more... it was like it was adding... muscles? Her breasts and belly had developed weird, slimy scales that felt like armor to the former human, while thick, warty horn-like structures had grown out of her shoulders.

“”Dont.... wnna bcome....” Elena desperately tried to speak, but every tooth in her mouth felt sharp and pointy “Slug... Monster...”

She felt her jaws unhinged, as the her mutating body started to re-arrange the bones of her skull. Suddenly aware that she was able to control her arms again, Elena tried to remove her new disgusting skin desperately, but it was no use.

Drooling and growling, Elena tried to pull as much slime as possible away from her last, remaining eye as she realized that dozens of slugs had gathered around her.

“GHOW... AWAHY!!!” She screamed, as she tumbled to the left and right. She felt weak and out of balance...

In horror, Elena looked at her nethers.... Her crotch was swarmed by dozens of thick slugs that had obviously pressed out of her own tight, slimy cunt – but even worse – they seemed to trigger another, vile transformation!

“GHETT OHFF!!!... GHAAAHH!!”  Something swollen and hard was slowly growing out of Elenas nethers. Her pussy felt like it was fucked... but also kinda like she was pressing something heavy out of her vagina... Drool ran down her Chin, as a slimy sack slowly dropped out of her cunt and started to fuse with her elongating clit that slowly grew into a cock.

It took Elena a moment to realize, that she was not just wearing a suit of slimy slug skin... she actually felt the touches of her new claws scratching over the warty, wet skin that was part of her new body now.

She sank to her knees – what had these creatures done to her?!

In disbelief, she touched the giant, reptilian snout that had grown out of her skull with her claws.

This body was disgusting... SHE was disgusting... Slime dripped from almost all her limbs into the thick pool she was kneeling in.

Her claw slowly wandered over her snout and the bulges over her eyes... slimy warts and wrinkles everywhere... Her hair had completely vanished.... Her swollen tits looked bloated, disgusting and lewd.

Elena growled one more time … slowly her desperation seemed to fade... This body felt strong on the other hand! She touched her breast with her other claw... it felt heavy and … kinda good …

Between her legs, something started to twitch in excitement as she continued to stimulate herself... Elena had no idea that it felt so powerful to be male... She felt the blood pumping through her... pulsing inside the growing member that was turning more and more stiff... Carefully, she grabbed her slug-penis – it felt sensitive, but also rock-hard... pulsing with feral need!

Elena started to pump it. Grunts escaped her throat, but she coudnt care less... Her pumping became stronger... faster...

she growled and threw her head back, as a load of milky substance darted out of her lewd cock...

This was just awesome... and she felt like she needed to try it out on real “test-subjects” really soon... to share the new advantages of her new species... and spread her DNA.

...More in the Story pdf  :3




awesome sequence, I wish I could be next, ssshlrp! ehehe...