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Every Emera-colony is usually ruled by a single queen, which also commands all of its workers.

The workers are obedient to every decision the Queen makes and immediately fulfill her commands without being able to deny it in any way. - The Queen also assigns tasks to each of the workers which they repeat endlessly.

(Dig, search food, fill acid-tanks etc.)

The Queen itself is a rather sentient and intelligent creature - even if a lot of them are a little neurotic and want to organize everything.

Whenever she transforms a victim into a new worker or Gigaworm, its rather an act of simple “necessety” to her, to keep the colony alive and well instead of a punishment.

Once every few weeks, the Queens abdomen swells and bloats while she becomes pregnant with grubs. These grubs can either be fertilized by one of the workers to hatch into a new worker - or used as a base for a gigaworm, if combined with a fitting victim.

The transformation into an Emera-Queen is very rare, and the new queen needs to leave the colony immediately after her transformation due to her “disturbing influence” on the workers.

The transformation itself is caused through the pheromone-filled liquids inside a queens abdomen, shortly before the grubs start to grow inside her.

The victim enters the abdomen through the flexible birth-canal, where it is then trapped inside and slowly changes over the next days.




Looks wonderful! Pus are you planning any other types of ant type colony?


This looks GREAT 👏👏👏👍👍 LOVE IT ❤️❤️❤️


I just realized I don’t recall there being 3 bars of race body describing humans. I don’t actually know for certain if the stats in refsheets have grown or lowerd. Some are obvious but not all of them.