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The Emera are a species of peaceful ant-like creatures that usually lives in huge colonies below the ground. Huge towers of sand mark the entrance to the giant labyrinths they call their home,.

Luckily to strangers or trespassers, none of the drones has the actual “task” to transform others - as long as a queen does not give that command. - They usually ignore outsiders and continue whatever they are told to do.

This way, its even possible to walk through their colony, as long as the queen is not alarmed.

The Emeran workers are the most common kind of the species and are ruled by a single queen. They act like mindless drones that just live to fulfill the task the colony has given to them without ever questioning it. 

The acid from their abdomen is usually gathered in huge pools or woven struturesthat hang from the ceiling - it is highly transformative and can either be injected or applied from the outside to trigger a transformation into a mindless drone.

Whoever is injected with or bathed in the sticky-green acid-slime quickly undergoes a horrible transformation into a Emeran drone.

Young female getting her face removed while turning into a worker,

Now a mindless insect, she eagerly awaits her queens command

With the mind of the person deleted completely and no hope to be distinguishable from the other drones in the colony, the fate of the person is sealed

Emeran workers are always male and usually corpulate with the abdomen of other workers - no matter how their sexual orientation was before, their new urges force them to do so - even tho a Queen can choose single workers to fertilize her eggs.



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