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New Sequence in the Drive


Eagerly, Leona opened the door to the small apartment she and Mark had moved into a few months ago. She threw her keys onto a sideboard that stood in the corridor and closed the door behind her.

“Well, whew, finally home” The young girl leaned against the sideboard while she still felt her knees a bit shaky. Her relationship with Mark had become a bit boring and neutral lately – up to a point where Mark was so exhausted after work, Leona didn´t even feel like a real woman anymore. She remembered that Mark had once talked about some of his kinks, and after a little bit of gossip and research, she had found a possible way to “revitalize” Marks interest in her.

A little excited, Leona started to search her pockets for the reason she taken half her day off today.

Carefully, she pulled out a weirdly-shaped stone that was dangling from a leather-string.

“I just hope nobody followed me” Leona whispered to herself, while she inspected the stone in her hands. She knew that the markets in the lower districts were observed by the Inquisition pretty well since they often had sold “heretical artifacts or substances” on a regular basis, that caused mayhem in the different city-districts.

The dealer behind the counter looked just as shady as the whole shop.. A bolgan male that definitely had some reptilian features to him grinned at her and told her he just got the right object for her.

“You see this pandant?” He had whispere ”It´s stained with the essence of a Quix – if your boy really is into this foxgirl-stuff, you just need to dip it into water and drink it. But be warned – once it turned you, you need some skirran powder to be turned back – make sure to use it within the next 24 hours or you will stay a Quix!”

Leona shivered a bit. A part of her was feeling insecure, another part was already getting horny at the thought of how Mark would react to her when he came back.

After a few seconds of pondering, it looked like her horny side had won - She went to the kitchen to get some water and a glass: She really wanted to feel like a real woman again, and tonight, Mark would not get away with just cuddles!

Carefully, she dipped the stone into the waterglass -  nothing happened “Hmm... No bubbles, no smoke, no change in color?” Leona mumbled and stirred the stone in the glass. “guess this whole Virus-mutation thing needs no special effects”.

She pulled the stone back out of the glass again and threw her head back as she drunk the water in one draft. Not knowing how long it would take the substance to effect her body, Leona started to undress. She grinned since she knew Mark also has a kink for ripped or slutty clothes, but well, - one fetish at a time should be enough for now.

A slight tickle started in her stomach, as Leona felt two of her front-teeth slowly growing more pointy and long. “Hff .. Damn, that´s fast.. ughh!” It became harder to breath as she felt her clothes becoming tighter . Her skin felt like it was swelling and as she looked at her fingers, Leona saw that her nails had grown more sharp and long as well!

“Shit!!” Much to her dismay Leona had noticed that she had forgotten to take off her shoes -  with a nasty, ripping sound she saw claws ripping free from the fabric. Spit was flowing down her chin, as Leona more and more felt like an animal. Her bra ripped open and revealed her voluminous breast that were still growing larger!

A strange Musk filled the corridor, as more and more parts of Leonas smooth skin became overgrown by a thick brownish fur. “Ugh, didnt know it would smell so bad!” Leona moaned as she inhaled the musky smell of her new fur. “gawd, its even between my tits – and...”

Leona pulled her skirt a bit from her body only to see that her shaving in the morning had been an absolute waste of time: Her shaved crotch and lower belly was now covered in a short, musky fur that spread a lusty scent in the corridor.

Finally, she managed to slip out of her shoes, even if the majority of them had been destroyed by her new claws. Her palms burned as thick pads pushed out of her skin while her fingernails more and more turned into sharp claws.

The smelly fox-fur was now covering both of her arms, and as she looked to her crotch Leona regretted she hadn´t chosen the bathroom to turn herself into a Quix. She sunk to her knees to give her dripping, hairy pussy some space as she spread her legs – it felt so sensitive.... so needy... It hit Leona like a train of lust – a feral urge  - a need to get fucked...

Long slimy strands dripped from her hairy crotch, as Leona felt a painful jolting in her spine. “Ugh... gnaaw!” She growled. Trapped in a mix of feral lust and pain caused by her mutating body.

To her dismay, her nose also started to slowly transform, so she was able to smell the musky pheromones of her sweat even better “Urgh... o dang, I smell like some filthy animal...”

Hoping the stench would evaporate over time, she bit her teeth together as a bushy tail slowly grew out of her tailbone.

Slobbering and with tears in her eyes from the pain the tail-growth had caused, Leona took a deep breath. It seemed that all anatomical changes had been finished so far: Her palms almost looked like paws with soft, fleshy pads on them, a long fox-tail twitched in the air behind her and her feet had turned into long, digitigrade legs of a Quix.

Surprised, Leona noticed that the fur on her crotch had grown even thicker and closer towards her bellybutton. Her ears itched in a weird way and her nose looked nothing like a human nose anymore.

“Ugh.. not...” she snorted, still not used to the weird feeling her transforming face was giving her “Not sure if Mark likes this...”

Carefully, she let her fingers brush through the thick, bushy hairs in her crotch. Her pussy felt moist and sensitive, almost aching for a touch or  - even better- Mark!. “Hope he comes home soon... I..I cant stand this any longer I think... Ugh!!”

Slowly she stood up. The feeling of standing on digitigrade feet was weird and Leona needed some time before she managed to balance herself out with her new bushy tail.

Her whole body was now covered in musky fur and especially on her cleavage a pretty massive tuft had formed. With every second it became harder to not think about sex for her... She thought about Mark... how he looked at her. How he was naked and hard...

Leona bit her lip. “need to waiit... think of something... else...” She looked around, but whatever she saw started to resemble a penis or a tool she could use to please herself.. “Why Im so damn horny!?”

Her moist pussy again started to drip in anticipation, fueled by the fantasies in Leonas head. Then, another sensation started to distract her:

The muscles in her neck suddenly started to spasm and cramp, as again Leona could do nothing but bite her teeth together. “Gnaaahw... my face... Ugh!!” Spit dripped down on her cleavage as she tried to figure out what was happening to her head.

Her fingers touched her cheeks first, which had turned hard and cramped together. All her mimic muscles felt numb and paralyzed. In panic Leona tried to open her mouth – or move any muscle in her face – but it was useless. She heard the bones shifting and cracking inside her skull, as her nose and mouth slowly pushed out and turned into a feral snout. Her upper lip fused with the lower part of her  nose, and soon her teeth turned into a row of sharp, feral fox-teeth.

Warm spit and tears dripped down her face, as Leona could do nothing but close her eyes as her skull grew even longer. Pointy, furry ears peaked out from under her red hair and as Leona re-opened her eyes, all she saw was a long, furry snout and a nose right in front of her.

This new perspective felt utterly strange, and Leona stumbled back to the sideboard to fully realize what had just happened to her pretty human face. “Hff... Hff... If I knew it would be this painful...”

She touched her lower lip, which still seemed to be kinda human – at least it felt familiar. “Hope turning back is not such a pain in the ass”

She wasn`t sure if it was her new ears or the fact that her whole body had gone through a massive transformation, but her voice sounded deeper out of a sudden...

Leona balanced from one leg to the other, slowly getting used to her new body. It seemed that her feral lust had also been just a side-effect of her transformation as well as the musky stench. As cool as it was to have a nice fluffy tail and fur that could protect you pretty well from the cold it was a pain to take a shower with it!

She felt like she was dragged down by all the water in her fur as she stepped out the shower, and no matter how many towels she wrung out- she needed a whole lot to finally get herself dry..

Now freshly showered and after a long blow-dryer session she felt ready for Mark so arrive. She sat herself into the big chair in the living room completely naked to give her boyfriend a maximum surprise.

A little annoyed, she checked the clock after a while. “Ahw, well, hes too late again of course” a quiet growl escaped Leona throat – she only had around 20 hours left in this body before she had to turn back.

She looked at her paws – did she really had to turn back? She knew Quixes were not the most-liked species in Tinora, but something about these majestic tail was kinda cute. She chuckled as she thought about how Marks parents would react if their son would marry a fox-girl, knowing that hybrid-relationships rarely ended well for the human part if there was any.

Almost 2 hours later, Leona felt her feral lust suddenly kicking in again. It started with a slight, lustful burn in her crotch that grew worse every minute. Anxiously, she started to rub her crotch over the fabric of the chair before she noticed that her pussy was leaving a slimy trail below her legs.

Alarmed, Leona jumped up and noticed her feral pheromones had started to spread in the room again. “Oh Mark... please come home soon!” She grabbed her phone, but it felt kinda unfamiliar to use because of her new paws. Finally she managed to open her messenger but it had no use to try to type something, so Leona started to take some photos...



General Cellron XD

This is awesome, If there was an alternate one where she ended up as a futa i think that would be an amazing alternate ending but hey just an idea 😍


Bravooooooo 👏👏👏 that is one HOT foxy lady ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍 you did a great work 👍👍👏👏 love her body shape and her bush.


All my "yes"