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Hylars like being messy. Naturally loud-mouthed and incomputable in their behavior, they either make perfect, or very problematic comrades in any adventure. Most Hylars love to take risks, search for the “next thrill” and also often have no respect for others exept their closest friends.

Hylar females are often loners, seizing every opportunity to play their quite dominant sex games with others, especially after consuming alcohol.

Male Hylars are seldom more than Toy-boys to the stronger and often bigger females and are rarely seen strolling through the bars.

Drunken Hylare often make no difference between male or female “partners”( - who are often chosen by them alone, having no word in this decision). 

Hylars see the transformation into one of their kind as the ultimate gift of corrupting to a lawless and free life - in their oppinion, they  “free” their victims from the tight bonds of a prude societey. In addition, most Hylars have a kink for wearing smelly or lewd outfits or odors below their regular clothes, to humiliate their partners on the one hand, and keeping a dirty secret from society on the other.




Hot! I love the more messy and nasty side of your work.


Can we get to see a male hylar at one point? Now I'm curious :)