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Lorthass Partiarchs form the backbone of every Lorthass society. Even if they are less skilled and intelligent than the smaller drones, they are superior to them physically in almost every way.

Their pheromones also keep their so called “harem” of drones docile to work for them, rewarding them with more addicting nectar from their shaft. (It is important to note, that only freshly transformed Drones are organized and brainwashed in these Partiarch-harems. 

Most regular Drones consume caviar that comes from the Lorthass cows and have a free will, as soon as they accepted their new body.)

Besides introducing the new members to their new life as a Lorthass Drone with their “juice”, the second task of the Partiarchs is to fertilize the hive´s Cows to make sure they give birth to new King-crabs.

King crabs are the most fragile members of a Lorthass society, and usually just a single one of them is protected and allowed to grow into a full-sized King - which takes several years. 

A Lorthass cave is usually crowded by the smaller crabs that escape into the ocean eventually and end up as food for other races most of the time.

Nontheless, a fully grown King is needed to turn victims into new Partiarchs - in a process that is known as “Lorthessian Cockweaving”

For that, the giant Crab-monster lifts up its victim  and uses its long, mutagen-filled trunk to replace the victims gametes with a fully functional Lorthass Penis. After that, the victim is quarantined for a few weeks while the muftated penis and scrotum slowly produces more and more lobster-DNA that starts to corrupt the body. 

See also: Lorthass Drone / - Cow / - King




Is the Lorthass Drone ref missing? I seem unable to find it here on Patreon