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Plainsrunners are a rather feral race of raptor-like beasts. Their sharp teeth and claws combined with their hard, leathery skin makes them dangerous predators in the wilds.

Even tho most scientists believed that Plainsrunners were in some way connected to the much bigger Snappers, their origin is actually Curse*-based. (see: Rapid Mutation Syndrome)

Over centuries the Banedragons - who had mastered the art of using and triggering rapid mutations through their fingers - humiliated their foes by turning them into mindless, TF-resistant beasts acting as their “pets” after their transformation.

Banedragons draw a great, sadistic joy from seeing their enemy slowly turning into a feral beast, that soon only acts like another breeder of the pack, unable to speak and without any hope to ever turn back (except the Banedragon dies or lifts the curse)

To start the curse, the banedragon needs to form a specific rune on any part of the victims body. The shape of the rune is very important, because it makes sure the strong mutagens from the dragons hands mix in the right way.

After a victim  has been “marked”, the transformation starts and the person can only watch their own body rapidly mutating into the shape of a feral raptor while the mind degenerates.

*(Other than curses known from the myths of men, Merran “curses” are often just  another word for the effects of RMS (Rapid Mutation Syndrome). This Syndrom (RMS) causes especially human cells to slowly de-stabilize, merge or change while infecting all other cells around - causing a massive mutation. All transformations on Merra are based on a rather strong - medium or weak  RMS - represented in a star-rating)




Velociraptor :D

