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New Sequences in the Drive: DRIVE-LINK 


“Hmmm” Patricia stroke her chin as she took a closer look at the map.”lots of lines that make no sense...” She turned the map in her hands “And what is that... a rock? A tree?” She took a deep breath an stopped at a shallow slope in front of a massive forest.

Why had she even agreed to this stupid scavenger hunt? “These horsepeople really suck at drawing maps... this thing is even worse than the description I got from the mare in the pub!” As nomads, Equinians usually didnt care that much about gold and riches, so the story sounded plausible, but the more Patricia twisted and turned the map, the more she started to question  its accuracy... or authenticity.

“Heres a forest” She put one of her fingers on the map. The hot sun was burning from the sky, and the reflecting light of the bright paper kinda burned in her eyes. “Thats a... It looks like a damping stone...”

She stopped at a small mark close to the forest. “This must be the place where I need to spill the water to appease the Aboreals...” She took out a small vial the Equinian mare had given her.

“7 drops to the ground, and the rest I must drink, so the Dryads don't attack me she said...”

“6...7” Patricia put the vial to her lips and drank it empty in one sip. It had a strange consistency that felt a bit like she had just swallowed a raw egg and a disgusting, salty taste. “Ugh... horrid stuff!”

To Patricias surprise, the substance had a quite vitalizing effect, and within a blink on an eye, she felt more alive and awake than ever. The sun on her skin felt warm, and the light breeze created goosebumps on her arms. She took a deep breath and felt how her body was vitalized. “Wow... this must be some kind of Arboreal steroid... I feel...strong!”

Patricia was just about to enter the forest behind her, as she noticed that so much power was rushing through her body … it seemed to manifest on her far more than she liked!

Her tights burned from muscle-growth as they began to swell and harden... her  shoes felt tight and huge holes ripped open on her stockings.

“What the hell!?” Patricias shoes eventually gave in to the pressure from the inside and ripped open at the stitchings. In horror, the young girl looked at her deformed toes inside her stockings which slowly merged together into one giant, horn-like structure

“This... ugh this bitch tricked me!!”

Patrias toes and nails had merged into one giant shape that more and more started to look like a hoof. The remains of her shoes still wrapped around her elongating feet started to rip apart more and more with each second.

“”Hno... oh gawd... everything is so tiiight!!” Patricias pressed her hands against her growing tits as if they would be able to stop what was happening to her body. The weight on her chest grew to an insane amount, but at the same time, Patricia felt the muscles in her back growing stronger as well.

Her hips widened, and an awkward wetness started to spread in her crotch, slowly soaking into her pants. Patricias mouth felt numb as she could only watch her nose slowly deformed into Equine nostrils that merged with her upper lip.

Spit filled her mouth, as Patricias face slowly elongated further. Trying to keep her balance on her transforming hooved-feet, she looked down on her body and noticed that her hands only clenched around rags that used to be her top once.

With her tits dangling freely in the light breeze, Patricia realized that her whole crotch was turning wetter with every little movement she made. The pressure grew worse and worse until she felt her briefs cutting into the swollen, soft flesh of her womanhood.

“I... Ughh.. My pants... I need to get out!!” Suddenly, Patricia blushed, as she felt ripping fabrics inside her Pants, knowing that her briefs had given in to the pressure of her growing cunt.. Only seconds later, the wet spot between her legs had grown into a large, wet mess that started to form an enormous cameltoe.

She had to do something! In the very last second, Patricia opened her belt to loosen her pants. She stumbled backwards a few steps as her hooved feet slipped out of her boots. “I... Im becoming one of them!... It was their plan all along!!”

In horror, Patricia watched short, dark horse-fur growing all over her shaved legs. Her top had given in to the weight of her new massive tits that bounced a bit every time she tried to stand upright on her new feet that felt kinda numb and disconnected to the ground.

A slight burning occurred right over her ass, followed by the tickling of thick hairs falling over her but, slowly forming a horsetail.

“ I wont give in.. I wont...!” Patricia looked past her tits and couldn´t believe what she was seeing. Her perfectly smooth, female crotch looked bloated and overgrown by thick, dark fur, spreading a strong musk.

This was too much for her... Patricia stumbled and almost fell. The delicate pussy between her legs looked bloated and deformed as it slowly spread open and gave birth to a soft, fleshy sack.

“Whats happening to Meeeeeeeigh!” Her desperate cries turned into a feral, almost horny neighing, as Patricia felt her face elongating into the feral shape of a horse. Thick saliva ran down her chin, as her thick clit grew out of her swollen cunt.

Desperate and confused, Patricia lost her balance and fell into the grass. To her surprise, her body reacted way faster than she was used to, and broke her fall with two strong, muscular and clearly male-looking arms.

Her nostrils catch the smell of male sweat coming from her arm-pits, but far worse had happened between her legs:

“Oh no... nonono!!” The drooling tip of a steady horsecock twitched right in front of Patricias eyes, as she looked down on herself. “This mare... she … she wants a stallion!” The thought of a mare alone made her massive cock twitch in delight, splurting out thin runnel of Equine pre. “Ughh... Why can´t I  stop to think about horse butts?!...”

Her testicles dangled between her legs, as her cock grew even stiffer “Gawd... Im so horny.... I cant stop to think about fucking mares!!”

Patricia grabbed her massive cock and started to stroke it slowly... She needed release... she needed a mare... something to push inside and penetrate...

”Can´t grasp a single.... thought...” -She continued to stroke herself as she slowly tried to stand up again. “I need to find that bitch and pin her to the Pub-table.... I dont care if someones watching...She needs to get what she deserves”

Epilog (from the view of Nancy from "Mirror, Mirror")

Nancy didnt know for how long she was prowling the wilds now. She had escaped the city guards through the sewers after Samantha had discovered her in her new, disgusting body.

She knew, that she was nothing more than a cunt-faced, smelly bug right now, but her will to survive had forced her to accept her new life, even if she hated what she was right now.

“Shrlllrt” She felt thick slobber dripping from her smelly mouthslit, as a delicious taste entered her antennas. For days, she had just fed from rotten things and wastes... but this time... she smelled something different... something that had the potential to -

“Breeed!” she almost farted out of her smacking mouthcunt. On a slope not far from the forest, her compound eyes catched a quite confused-looking, Equinian stallion. To her delight – or rather the delight of her insectiod body- a strong, male pheromone was spreading from him ... something that guided Nancys view directly towards the swollen, phallic meat in his hands.

Nancy smacked happily, as she sneaked closer. The stallion seemed disgusted first, but Nancy was faster. With a swift move, she grabbed the Equinians cock and guided it between her hungry lips with ease and started pumping.

Even if her human mind was protesting, her moistfever-body milked every drop from the long, hard horsecock, knowing that every seed would soon be turned into a precious fly-egg to prepare the next bigger outbreak.



Yeania Aeon

one of the reasons you dont just drink stuff an equinian gives you as you never know what they are giving you


I've been waiting for this for a long time, and I'm not disappointed


Can we see some of the elemental races pls. Like the cum elementals and dung elementals. At least a refsheet but i would love a TF.