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Drive-Link PASSWORD: Sunlight12

“Ugh, this place always gives me the creeps” Victoria shuddered and walked  through the heavy doors of the old lab. She checked if her overall was sitting tight and put on her face-mask, as the young girl  walked closer towards the giant stasis-tanks in the middle.

“I Just hope these gals are not aware of themselves” Victoria looked at the body of a grotesquely-deformed female body in the first tube she passed by. Half of the skin had ripped open and the layer below revealed a thick and grey dinosaur-skin. “At least they managed to slow down these horrible transformations – I hope they can help her”.

Victoria grabbed her mob and started to clean the floor around the first tube,as she noticed that another stasis-tank had been filled with another victimof horrible transformations recently.

She felt nauseous, as she looked closer at the deformed body of the person inside “Ugh, looks like they found patient zero of another Moistfever infection or something....” The creature behind the glass looked back at her with dead, insectoid compound eyes. Single, loose teeth hovered around the disgusting creature who’s mouth had been replaced by a slobbering proboscis that leaked a milky fluid.

“Disgusting fate... I would allow them to turn me into a Skirran any day if they found me like that” The large fly-penis of the transformed female in the tank twitched as Victoria touched the glass “Hm, looks like they just tranquilized her...”

Victoria took a few steps back and grabbed the hilt of the mop tightly. “anyways.. time to get things done I guess!” She turned around and just wanted to start as she saw the strange, slimy puddle that was reflecting the green light of the tubes on the ground. “Oh... just great! Looks like they created a mess here and just left it for me to clean up.” Victoria sighted  and started to mop over the puddle in the hope It would be easy to remove. “Damn... what is this stuff?”

The substance that seemed slimy and liquid at first, was obviously pretty hard and solid! Victoria scrubbed with all her strength, but it seemed that the puddle was rather growing than soaked up by her mop! “What the hell is this stuff? Its rock-hard!” Eventually, Victoria decided to use her boot to carefully scratch away the strange substance and this time and it seemed to work.

Like the dark substance had turned liquid out of a sudden, it sticked now to Victorias boot, and it seemed to move on its own! Horrified, Victoria pulled back her foot, but it seemed like the substance had already wrapped around her boot, not willing to let her go!”

“Shit shit shit!” Victoria tried to grab her cleaning agent, only to find out that she had forgotten her belt in the storage room. It seemed that the liquid was kinda alive and moving on its own in the meantime, slowly creeping up overVictorias boot.

“Get off!!” She stumbled back a bit, but it seemed like the substance had now completely engulfed her boot and slowly traveled further up! In shock, Victoria also noticed that – whatever this substance was – had started to dissolve the fabric of her boot and was slowly wetting her socks inside.Victoria’s mop fell to the ground with a loud clang, as Victoria realized that the substance was not dissolving her clothes... it was CONSUMING them! With every inch of boot that disappeared, the clump of dark slime grew bigger and stronger! “What is this stuff??!” 

Desperately, Victoria shook her leg to kick off the thick liquid, but it seemed like it was tightly sucking itself on her foot. Her boot was long gone, and now, the substance seemed to consume her overall!

The pool of slime at her feet grew bigger and bigger, as the strange liquid continued to consume Victorias overall. Her whole lower leg was completely covered in the dark slime by now and had started to form thick tentacles that tried to slip inside her suit. 

“Oh gawd, help! Is anyone here?!” Victoria felt the cold, latex-like tentacles moving inside her overall. Twitching bulges moved under her protection-suit where the slimy tentacles slipped over her body. The more tentacles pushed under the already tight-sitting overall, the more Victoria felt the suit giving in.

She already saw and felt the cold tentacles curling around her tits under the suit... another one entered her sleeve and moved over her arm, closer towards her hand.

In disbelief, Victoria looked at her feet and saw that the slime had already started to fuse with her body! Instead of her former human feet, only 2 plump toes sticked out of the slimy mass. “Oh gawd, what are these?!” Victoria examined her new feet with disgust, as she pulled one of them out of the slime-pool with a loud fart. The rudimentary, fat toes dripped with slime and glistened in the light of the lab as she flexed their alien shape. “Whats happening to me!??

Suddenly, Victoria felt one of the slimy tentacles creeping up her neck and under her face-mask. Huge holes appeared on her chest, as more of her protection-suit was consumed by the vile slime. It was like the whole suit was slowly shrinking and tightly wrapping around Victorias body, while her skin underneath felt moist and sticky. 

She screamed, as the tentacle in her face mercilessly slipped below her mask and ripped it away while she realized that the gloves on her left arm had completely dissolved. Her arm below looked like it had been completely covered in a layer of opaque, shiny latex.

Victoria felt more and more of the slime creeping up her body, covering her former human skin with a thin layer of a reflective, dark-purple film. The tentacles that had ripped away parts of her clothes had sunken back into the mass, like if the slime itself knew it had already won this battle.

She felt the cold mass slipping inside her panties, slowly engulfing her nether parts and forcing its way inside her. Suddenly, Victoria felt a strange pressure that was followed by a disgusting, slimy smacking that was coming from between her legs. Horrified, Victoria stumbled back a few steps, as she saw a disgusting, dark and wet bulge slowly growing out of her pussy and stretching her panties.

“Gahw, what is happening to me?!!” The bulge in her panty seemed to move – to twitch – sending an unbearable wave of lust through Victoria’s body. Her swollen cunt-lips pushed against the stressed fabric of her panties. Forming a lewd cameltoe, while the bulge that seemed to be her clit swelled and grew even larger!

Victoria suddenly felt more slime creeping up her neck and reaching her face. Carefully, she tried to pull away the filthy mass, but each attempt of he already contaminated hand only made things worse. Soon, almost half of her face had been covered in the thick, glistening substance.

All of her body except for her face was covered by the aggressive slime by now. Her once human breasts glistened in the greenish light and had formed obscene mounds as nipples, that rather looked like thick-lipped mouths than tits.

The tentacles had started to form again, growing out of her back this time and seemingly way stronger than before! Victoria was surprised that she seemed to be able to control them to a certain degree as well this time!

Her head looked bald, after the slime had covered- or consumed - her hair and Victoria felt an alien, hard structure growing out of her skull. Suddenly, a whispering voice echoed through her head, telling her that everything would be fine if she would just accept her new fate.

 â€œC-cant stand this any longer!!” Victoria felt something growing inside her cunt that was slowly filling her up from the inside. Desperately, she moved her hand over the still swelling, slime covered vulva that once was human and now gave birth to a dangling sack of testicles. 

Slowly, the soft sack pressed out of her swollen slit, while her clit grew longer and thicker – quickly turning into a throbbing, slime-covered penis.

Eventually, the slime reached her eyes and nose as it covered Victoria’s face completely. Unable to see or smell anything, she stumbled through the puddle of slime with her deformed feet. Her half-erected cock dangled from one side to the other as the voice in her head turned louder and started to whisper to her:

Finally a new body! I had been formless for decades, but now Im free! Let me control your body and we will dominate this place and turn everyone into our slaves! We need to spread! 

Victoria shook her head. Even tho she was blind, she wasn’t stupid enough to trust this formless clump of slime that had invaded her body.

“No way... GET OFF ME you disgusting thing... this is MY BODY – and you will never take it!!”

The evil laugh inside her head send shivers down Victoria’s spine. Her new latex-skin wrapped even tighter around her body now.“Foolish human... you really think you can stand the power of a Darkstrayer? I will turn your ridiculous body into a glorious, slime-spreading Strayer-Spawn! Let me show you!”

---------------GOOD ENDING---------------

“You will never gain control of my body, NEVER!” Victoria suddenly saw a very tiny, bright light glowing far away in the pitch-darkness around her.. like some sort of distant door out of this dark-state of her mind. She concentrated on the bright spot, while she tried to fight the feeling of being weak the demon in her head was giving her.

“You will never beat me, you worthless human. You are just a pathetic grain of sand in a desert... one I chose to be of use for me!”

Victoria grit her teeth – she had to win time to reach this portal. “You are just a clump of disgusting slime that needs to be tossed down the drain... don’t ever tell me I am worthless!”

Again, the demonic voice laughed “Ages had passed me by, I have seen your pathetic race crashing on this planet. My life is as old as this rock itself! You really think you worthless cockroach can fool me?”

Victoria suddenly felt the light in front of her being pushed even further away, but giving up was no option... giving up would mean she would loose her body – and herself to this disgusting thing.

“I am not worthless, and you will never control me, I would rather destroy my body than to give it to you!!”

Suddenly, the light grew bigger again. Encouraged by the effect, Victoria now screamed to the Demon in her head: GET OFF MY MIND YOU FILTHY THING!!

Sticky tentacles tried to grab her, as she reached out for the brightdoor in her mind. With one last, desperate leap, Victoria jumped into the brightness and was finally able to see again!

“I-Im back?! 
 B-But my body??!” She looked down her nude body, only to realize that it has changed slightly, but still looked monstrous without a doubt. A lewd cock still dangled between her legs, and her breasts and belly were covered with thick, demonic scales.

The voice of the demon continued to whisper in her head, but It sounded weak and scared this time.

“You will never get your old body back! I have touched you with my gift, and you will be a Darkstrayer from now on! You need to feed on the emotions of others and suck them dry like a leech... nobody will like you... you are worthless!”

Victoria looked at her clawed, demonic hand and a new kind of self-confidence grew in her.“Well, Then I will make sure I will only consume bad feelings and lock them up in a room with you”

She grinned and played with one of the tentacles on her back. “I only heard legends about Darkstrayers – lets see if they are true”

---------------CORRUPTION ENDING---------------

Victoria tried to fight, but something grasped her in her mind. In the pitch darkness around her, suddenly a small light appeared in which she recognized a picture of herself,

“look how weak you are... I will change your look so it better fits my plan for you” the demon laughed as Victoria saw the picture of herself looking at her lips that started to swell up to an obscene size.

“Your mouth must be bigger to spread... theres only one human organ that is perfect to spread things... you know what it is? 
. A penis has developed only to spread things.... perfect for the task!!

In horror, Victoria saw her own reflection drooling a thick, white liquid from her swollen lips. Her neck grew thicker and her tits formed lewd, leathery wrinkles.

“Look how worthless you are... just a mere cock that wants to spread its load! You are my puppet and you will give me what I want!”

The jaw of Victoria’s reflection seemed to open wide, as something pushed up her throat inside. Victoria screamed, as she saw a giant penis-glans slowly pushing out of her mouth, turning her former lips into a lewd foreskin.

“Perfect, now use your arms, to spread even more of me!”

Victorias reflection had turned into a disgusting human-penis abomination. The once soft skin of her breasts had been replaced by the wrinkly skin of a testicle, and thick veins had started to form on her neck.

Most of her hair had fallen off, and her tongue licked over the glans that was pushing out of her former lip, carefully stimulating the new head. She lifted her hands, which had also degenerated into huge cocks.

and as Victoria looked down on her body, she realized that the demon had won. She was nothing more than a disgusting collection of cocks by now, obedient to the demon in her head that told her to spread her infection.




Oooh my god!!!! The last "Corrupting Ending" sooooo good!!! Ok so where is this lab?! I need to get there now. Lunate just wow!!! This was soo good! Thanks for sharing these amazing illustrations and lewd fantasies with us.