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There seem to be two versions of the so-called nomad slug - a very rare and more agile version of a slerm queen with shapeshifting-abilities. Recent studies show, that a Nomad Slug can hatch from a Slerm-Wet Nurse, if a human was unlucky enough to be catched by the immovable egg-sack-creature.

Version 1: Natural Nomad Slug  Aka. "Changeling" (Very rare)

The Wet Nurse starts to suck out DNA-information from it´s victim while turning the victim itself into a slobbering slug-eggsack in the process. After enough DNA has been absorbed, the Wet Nurse stores the DNA in it's belly, slowly starting to fuse it with the slug eggs she carries - resulting in an obscene copy of the human that rather looks like a humanoid slug creature growing inside her.

The new body soon bursts out of the old egg-sack-body of the wetnurse, now able to change her form into either her slugform - or a perfect copy of the body she stole.

With her long tongue, Nomad slugs can easily suck DNA from victims to imitate their forms, while their highly transformative eggs are able to turn any weaker species into one of her Wet Nurses.

Version 2: Artificial Nomad Slug  Aka. "Nariok Agents" 

The second version has been recreated by Nariok experiments, who used Nomad slugs as their spies during the Turbine-wars. The often kidnapped humans were injected with a serum, which caused a rapid mutation into one of the slugs .

After the traumatic mutation into a giant slug, the Narioks forced the humans to execute their orders via blackmailing them with a serum that kept their old human body stable for a few days.

once infused with the serum, the agressive mutation stopped and guaranteed the Agents the ability of durable shapeshifting - until the next injection to keep the mutation at bay.

Eventually, the mutations of the Nariok Agents were too agressive and most of them ended up as feral Nomad Slugs after the War- stucked in their slug-form and only able to shapeshift for a few hours - The documents and Lab records seemed to have disappeared to this day tho.

-a Nariok Agent in her mutant-state: A mutation so rapid, the victim couldn't even take all of her clothes off



Fleur Dryke

In all honesty, these are amazing.


Thanks! The full refsheet will have some more pictures about the TF :3


The fact that you came up with all these is just astonishing. All these species and what-not. Me and a friend are using the pot plants in a roleplay we’re doing, and it’s safe to say we both very much enjoy it. How much to become one of these species that you have? 👀


Those Slug creatures are gorgeous 💚💚💚 excellent work Lu 👏👏👏👍👍👍


I thought they are the same type of slug until reading the description 😅


They are quite similar! Nariok Agents are a bit less powerful without their serum tho and can only shapeshift for a few hours :)


Im glad you like my ideas :3 What do you mean with how much? All of my species are free to use for everyone! :)