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“Nahw, come on!” Tony threw his cards on the table. It was kinda late and most of the customers had already left the small pub. “Seems like you had bad luck my friend!” The Hyena-girl at the other end of the table grinned and also revealed her hand.

“With these I would have won the round anyways, haha!” Her tail wiggled as she saw Tony handing over one of his last Tinoran dollars. “Alright... I’m all out of dollars for tonight!” Tony grumbled. “I hope you are happy now... just showing up in here... humiliating people like that...” His voice sounded a little whiny, but maybe also because he had drunk a bit too much already.

The eyes of the Hylar started to glisten and she bended over the table “Well... I would give you the chance to get back all the dollars you lost in one last round - but there is one condition:” She bowed to the side and picked 2 bottles out of her backpack.

“Best of 3 this time... whoever wins has to drink half a bottle” She handed one bottle over to Tony. “What ish t-thish?” He opened the flask as a disgusting smell entered his nose.

“A very special Hylarian brew... Very strong alcohol... Its up to you if you wanna win back your money or leave without it! - If you win 2 rounds.. I will give it all back to you!”

“F..fine...” Tony mumbled, still looking at the bottle “But don’t you dare not to drink if you win!”

A few minutes Later, Tony revealed his hand with a broad grin. “Ha! I won this time! Now drink!” The Hylar wrinkled up her nose before she took a deep sip from the bottle. “Ha! More! One more win, and I will get my money back!

The next match did not went that well for Tony tho, and so he got to taste the strong brew himself for the first time. The Hylar laughed out loud, as he tried to hold his breath and just swallow down the sharp, musky taste. “Thats some really strong stuff!” Tony felt his mind becoming dizzy and everything around him was now weirdly blurred. “Awlright.... lasst... match!”

“Oh noes” Tonys head felt kinda dizzy. The beer the Hylar had given him must have been a very strong one. The cards in his hand looked kinda bad, but he had no other choice than to risk it:

“Show me what you got!” He threw his cards on the table and waited for the reaction of his opponent. The Hylar girl checked twice, then left out a deep breath. “Well, seems like you got me!” She threw her cards to the table as well, but Tony was unable to see them – his sight had become too blurry.

“You are the winner I guess... here is your money, now drink the rest of your brew and go home!”

Something in the Hylars voice didn’t sound right.. she didn’ even seem to be annoyed or angered a tiny bit about her loss. Tony again hold his breath and gulped down the remaining brew from the bottle.

“Alright... gotta go *burp!*” He carefully stood up from his place. Everything around him was turning around in circles. He swung around the desk. “Just need to go to the bathroom first!”

A weird, heavy weight was dragging him down on his chest. “W-where does these bags come from? *burp*!” Confused, Tony touched the wobbling, fleshy bulges that slowly grew bigger under his shirt, increasing the weight on his chest.

The Hylar at the other end of the table had started to grin again. “Nice pair of tits you got there! It had been a while since I saw someone drinking a whole bottle of our special brew”

Still confused, Tony looked at the growing bulges on his chest. Hard nipples pressed against the fabric from underneath, while his whole shirt was stretching more and more. He stumbled forwards a few steps, as Tony realized that his feet were also effected by whatever was happening to him.

Canine paws had ripped through the front of his shoes, and a weird sensation... a drunken feeling of lust had taken hold in Tonys mind... suddenly... and maybe because of the alcohol – he looked over to the Hylar and somehow felt his cock growing in his pants.

“Like what you see?!” The Hylar carefully unzipped her top. Under the remains of what used to be an intact fishnet suit once, she presented her perfect, pierced breasts.

The Hylar licked her lips in a lascivious manner as she removed more and more clothes. Both of her thumbs slipped into the front side of her trousers just beneath her bellybutton. “This is what you wanna see, right?!” She swung her hips, while her thumbs pressed down her pants a bit more.

In the meantime, Tony had tried to remove his own clothes driven by lust. The changes had already reached his hands and turned his nails into canine claws tho, so he mindlessly had ripped away most of his clothes rather than really slipped out of them.

“You... look so hot... I... I want to do it right here.... on that table!” Tonys penis dangled in front of him. He couldn’t think back to a day when he had a bigger urge to copulate, nor could he remember his dick ever being this big before!

“Hmm... Looks impressive dear!” The Hylar checked Tonys stiff penis. “I hope you can compete with this!” She pulled her pants down and revealed a meaty, wet shaft with a lewd, pierced opening at the tip, drooling a milky liquid.

“Maybe, I will let you in there... but first lets wait until your body is ready.

“R-Ready?!” Tony face elongated as his upper and lower jaw grew into a muzzle. His teeth shifted their locations and grew long and sharp, as his ears became more pointy, grew bigger and became covered in soft, dark fur.

“Just something to test your new senses.” The Hylar laughed and put her clothes over the chair in the corner. Carefully, she opened her backpack, as a wave of lewd and arousing smells flooded Tonys new ly-grown nose. Suddenly, he was able to smell the Hylar . Every lewd pheromone of her body was calling for him! His penis twitched at the thought of having dirty sex with that lewd, elongated vagina-tube that was hanging between her legs....

His penis felt like it was up to explode, but suddenly... It drooled a clear, milky liquid. “What the...?!” Tony felt a little more sober out of a sudden and carefully closed his hand around his stiff member. Something was feeling different... his penis felt kinda... hollow?

He pressed a bit harder... the tip... it was different... he sunk to his knees. The lewd hyena-cunt of the Hylar was now dangling right in front of his eyes, spreading it’s musky, sweaty pheromones.

“Is this... am I” Tonys eyes widened. His cock had just mutated into the same kind of lewdly-extruded cunt-pipe!

“Dont worry.” The Hylar grinned as she reached inside her backpack. “I got some condoms with lube, so we can still have some girl-fun!

With a moan, she pulled the condom over her own, dripping cunt that now looked more similar to a huge penis than any other kind of female genitalia.

“I know you wanna lick it, so come here!” Aroused by the looks of it, Tony came a little closer, as he carefully started to lick over the soft latex-covered sex. His own shaft twitched and became more sensitive, until he couldn’t stand the pressure anymore.

With a lewd moan, he felt a gush of liquid flowing out of his new opening, forming a slimy pool on the ground.

Slowly, Tony stood up again and tried to find his balance on his new, canine feet.

“Well... That was fast” The Hylar sighted a little disappointed. Anyways, Its time you dress up like a proper Hylar now, I got everything right here in my backpack.”

She grinned again, revealing her sharp teeth. I hope, you like it a bit slutty.



General Cellron XD

I love this one especially the I guess you could call it a cock pussy type thing XD it's very intriguing


I guess you could say that the Hylar had the last laugh.