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“Let me into the Warehouse” Emilia looked at the guard with angry eyes. “Queen Shylla send me to check over the latest objects the caravan had found... I heard rumors of things that could be quite valuable to our realm!” The young man in front of her wanted to answer, but the other guard quickly harrumphed, to prevent him from saying something stupid.

“You wanted to say something, tin bucket?” Emilia’s eyes blazed up aggressively “If this door isn’t open in 2 seconds, I will make you scrub the toilets of the watch until you wish you were a Feron nameless sucking up that stuff just to smell it no more!!”

With her head lifted up, Emilia passed the guard, who had opened the doors to the small courtyard with shaky hands. She loved it when guys became nervous in her presence.

Emilia crossed the courtyard with swift steps. Before the gate she had come through had been closed again, she was already standing in the small, dimmed room she had looked for.

“Hmmm... interesting” Emilias hands stroke over several of the objects. Suddenly, she stopped, as her hand touched something warm and round. She squinted her eyes and saw that a purple light was pulsating deep inside the crystal sphere that was sitting on some kind of platform.

She looked closer, as her hand accidentally pressed a weird looking circle inside the sphere and with a loud click something snapped together inside.

Emilia took 2 steps back, as the light inside the crystal grew brighter and brighter and the sphere itself was lifted up by a weird mechanism.

“I think I found the phlyactery that doomwidow was looking for” The light became even brighter, as if the sphere was able to read Emilias thoughts. A weak whisper filled the room, that seemed to have turned even darker than it was before. “You found me” echoed from the walls “Make your wish”

A thick pinkish smoke seemed to gather inside the sphere and for a short moment, Emilia thought she had seen a massive Kingdom inside the glass, shrunken down so small, it was impossible to make out single buildings.

“This is my world, this is my prison.” The voice seemed calm and alluring “Lets trade a wish. For mine was always to see again the stars of your world”

Emilia shuddered. “I dont know! Maybe you are better left inside that thing... Doomwidows rarely are wrong with their guesses-”

“These 8 legged creeps know nothing! With me, your power could be so great! Every King and queen in your realm would bow to your presence. Even these spiders could never harm you! Listen, I will promise to always stay with you and never harm anyone that loves you... In return, you and I will rule over this part of the world! Deal?!”

Emilia stood there for a moment. “Well, this sounds like something I should maybe think about a little longer first. The doomwidow warned me of your tricks.” Emilia made a small break to wait for a reaction. “I am willing to release you, if you do exactly what I say once you are out”

“Alright then” The voice rumbled “your word shall be a command for me if you wish” “-And this-”

Emilia lifted her finger “Also contains to re-establish the status quo if I tell you to!”

“Of course” The light inside the sphere flickered. Before Emilia was able to say anything else, something bursted from inside the smoke and dashed around her.

“I am free... your word shall be my command!” Emilia felt the tension in her muscles grow “Now to the part, where I make you stronger!”

In the blink of a moment, Emilias clothes were ripped to shreds. “Let’s start with that pathetic body”

Emilias muscles burned. It was like every limb in her body was swelling up and stretching. “This HRRGNRR -A deep grunting escaped her throat – this feels weird!”

The smoke around her slowly started to materialize: Two glowing eyes soon turned into a face, then a head, and finally, the nude torso of a female, reptilian being was hovering around her.

“Haaah! Damn, It feels so good, to actually FEEL your mouth move after such a long time! I almost forgot how spit tasted and how useful teeth can be!”

Emilia was still surrounded by the rest of the smoke, her body naked apart from her slip the Mojin had spared to remove.

“Where iff my power hnow?!” Emilia stuttered. She felt her teeth growing while she spoke. Her body felt tight and strangely under pressure.

“Dont worry” The Mojin snickered “ I will make sure you will get it.... together with the intimidating look!”

A huge pleasure was suddenly rushing through Emilias body. The Mojin was right. She felt stronger already! Small bulges appeared everywhere on her body. In some areas her old skin ripped open and revealed a hard, scaled skin below, much stronger than her old one! One of her breast felt tighter, and tighter, until the skin on it slowly started to rip open. Below her old breast, a lewd, giant tit pressed its way out.

“Now, THAT looks impressive!” The Mojin laughed “But, we are still far from finished!”

Slowly, Emilia learned to enjoy this feeling. The Mojin was right, her old body had been weak! Only her job had guaranteed respect to her in the past, but from this day on EVERYONE should fear her!

Her once human hands ripped open and revealed reptilian, muscular claws. As her feet elongated and claws started to push out from below, a new balance set in, given by a strong and muscular tail that was growing from her spine.

“Mooooore!” Emilia grabbed the last big patches of her old human skin and pulled it apart like some kind of old clothing. A grunting, deep voice roared out of her throat, as she realized, that her face had ripped open around her mouth as well.

With another deep, animalistic roar, Emilia felt her head stretching forward as it elongated into a massive snout.

Drool dripped from her slobbering face, as Emilia was in pure bliss. “She liked this kind of power – no... she was turned on by it!” Instinctively, her new scaly fingers started to rub over her now nude crotch, only to find out that the skin down there was just as loose as everywhere else.

Furious of not being able to satisfy her lust fast enough, Emilia pulled on the skin in her crotch and ripped it away, revealing a new, lewd and swollen cunt that already dripped in lust.

“My my, try not to do everything at once, okay! I need to make sure your mind is able to contain all these new inputs!”

The body of the Mojin had fully materialized, as she gallantly walked around the turning girl. Just like Emilia, It seemed that the creature from the Sphere had a hard time to ignore her feelings of lust.

“GnDamn, I also forgot how demanding a real body can be” The Mojin stopped at a pile of chests and sat down. “Hokay, I think you are almost done anyways.” carefully, she started to inspect her long, white legs “As my Big sister and partner in *Hng* future crimes... I think I will let you rest a bit and get dry. After that... we can start with your first lessons in magic and world-domination.”

Still a bit confused, Emilia stared at her new body. Every step of her new, clawed feet felt powerful and majestic. Her strong, clawed hands formed a fist and re-opened again. Having a maw was still a bit weird, but again, her yaws felt so powerful she could chew rocks with them.

“What... am I!?” Emilia pressed out of her maw.

The Mojin looked bored, as she played with herself on one of the boxes. “Oh... Well, you are a Dragon I suppose!” She stopped “Whoopsie, I forgot your wings, my bad!” With a snap of her fingers, Emilia felt her shoulders turning numb as something grew out of them in rapid speed.

“Oh and you are part-Snapper, I just threw that in for fun... most of these silly lizard creatures will accept you as their pack leader! Should be easy to form an army with them.”



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