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“I know you are hiding here somewhere!” Cole turned on the light on his lantern. The sun was already setting and it slowly became darker, the more he moved deeper inside the forest.

His scouts had tracked down a slerm hive not far from the forest he was now standing in, but after they had rescued most of its transformed victims, It seemed that the queen had somehow managed to escape.

“Shit, this seems to be far worse than we expected” Cole stopped, as he noticed that a lot of the roots on the ground had been replaced by thick, slimy tentacles that slowly pulsed and moved over the ground.

“This... this looks like they developed a new kind of structure” He carefully stepped over a few disgusting, thick structures that looked like giant, smacking slugs which seemed to suck nutrients out of the forest-ground.

The light of his lantern hit a rock that was sitting right in the center of a small glade. The area around it was wet and slimy. Smacking, farting suction-pods drooled out gushes of snail-slime like hungry, blind maws. “Oh shit!” Cole tried to reach out for his messenger, as he felt something sticky touching his foot. “HQ... Hey! I think I need some reinforcements he-” But only a static noise came out of the device, as Cole felt the slimy touch around his foot turning into a tight grip.

Instinctively, Cole raised his sword to cut away whatever was curling around his ankles, but another tentacle that had come out of the trees above him, hit the heft of his weapon and disarmed him.

“Damn, this place is completely corrupted by slerms!” Cole felt a cold, wet mass crawling up his leg, sucking tight around him. “oh gawd, no... get away from me!”

In Horror, Cole tried to pull the thick, slimy tentacle away from his hip, but his hands only slipped over the extremely soft and slimy surface of the slug-like thing. A barbed maw opened and closed at the end of the disgusting organ, as it travelled further up on him mercilessly.

“Nonono... go away!” Coles hands now grabbed tightly around the tip of the tentacle. Its blind maw oozed with gushes of milky snail-slime that dripped on his clothes. Just now Cole noticed that most of the tentacles were growing out from a slimy sack in the middle of the glade. Thousands of slerm eggs squirmed behind the translucent membrane and some parts of it looked strangely human to him.

What the hell is going on here?!” He screamed, just as a giant load of thick slug-slime squirted out from the barbed maw, soaking his chest in a layer of thick, cold slerm secretion.

Within seconds, Cole saw his clothes dissolving under the thick slime. Before he could even scream, the thick slimy tentacle darted forwards and stretched over the lower half oh is face. Cole moaned into the slimy opening that was now covering his mouth and nose, as he felt a cold, liquid pressing against his lips. “Hnnn...!!”

Cole tried to shut his mouth the best he could, but the pressure just was too high at some point. Disgusted, He could only watch as thick eggs and slug-slime entered his body trough the hideous canal inside the tentacle.

More and more slime and eggs were pumped down his throat, and Cole notices in horror, how the slime was changing him from the inside. Patches of wet, greenish skin formed everywhere on his body, his hands felt weak and flexible out of a sudden.

Nearly all of his clothes had dissolved by now and as he looked down, Cole saw disgusting bloats of slugskin growing out of his body. Suddenly, a deep, slow voice echoed through his head, a voice that sounded like the slime around him itself, stretching its words into long and torturing moans.

“Moooooreee!..... Aaaalmooost theeeere.... moooore huuuuman” Cole moaned and threw his head around, but his whole body felt weak and saggy out of a sudden. It was like this thing was sucking the strength out of him and replaced it with a cold, slimy phlegm.

The skin on Coles body was ripping open everywhere now, revealing more and more of his new slugskin. In horror he screamed into the sucking opening on his face, as he realized his hands had turned into a mess of slimy tentacles, while one of his breasts had turned into an obscene, slimy tit with the same barbed maw as the one that was still stuck on his face!

The changes dragged Cole to his knees. His belly grew bigger and bigger as the endless stream off slug eggs filled him. His new slimy arms squirmed and slapped on the ground around him useless while his stiff cock had bloated and looked greenish and slimy.

He panicked He did not want to become a slug- a part of this disgusting structure around him! His chest bloated, as a second, disgusting slug-tit grew out of him, dripping with thick slime.

Finally, the slimy tentacle let go of his mouth, but in disgust, Cole realized that his mouth and nose had fused and morphed into a smacking opening, resembling the barbed maw that had sucked around his face. He was unable to speak anymore, and so all his new mouth was producing was a combination of wet smacks and gurgles of slime that had remained in his throat.

His useless new tentacle hands slithered through the mud below and his once male body had transformed into an obscenely bloated, female form. Transparent skin was covering his new saggy tits and filled belly, revealing the soft white eggs that had been pumped inside him. “Eeeeeggs!” The voice that had echoed inside his head sounded muffled and somehow far away. Cole slurped ans smacked, while his whole new body created a disgusting combination of slippery noises as he looked around.

The slimy eggsack in the middle of the glade slowly ripped open as a flood of slime flooded the ground around it. Slowly, the disgusting slug-like head of a slerm queen emerged from the depths of what appeared to be an egg or hatching-chamber.

“Fiiiiinallyyy!!” Cole couldnt believe his eyes, as the slerm queen slowly slipped out of her birthing-pod. “Eeeeeennough huuuuman!!” Cole tried to scream as he saw what had escaped the slimy sack in the middle of the glade: Instead of a cumbrous Slerm queen that usually was unable to move or walk very fast, this one had legs and looked like a strange form of human-hybrid!

Slowly, the slimy monstrosity came closer, as Cole couldnt fight the urge to look on the creatures slimy, dangling penis – or oviposator. Somehow, this slimy cock looked quite familiar... just like..

“Huuuman reeemembers cock? Iiiits huuumans cock!” Loud smacks followed with every step the creature came closer. Coles new, fat body was unable to move anymore. Desperate, he tried to fight the urge to focus on the monsters slimy penis that looked like a way more slimy and disgusting version of his own former cock. Instead of a glans tho, a drooling vulva had formed on the tip and catched Coles attention, as thick drool filled his new, obscene mouth.

His neck felt thick and it became harder and harder to move his head. A weird hunger was filling his belly, as one egg after the other slipped out of his transformed penis. “Aaalmost eeempty... eeeeggsack” The monstrous slug now stood almost in front of Cole. “Mmmmust beeee hungry!”

Coles tentacles fingered the lewd hole in his face, while he still looked on the slerm-cock in front of him. “Let meee feeeed!” Unable to close his mouth anymore, Cole saw the disgusting slug-penis slowly coming closer, before he felt the slimy, hard organ mercilessly penetrating his new mouth.

Cole hadn’t counted the days since he was here on this glade in pure bliss. His eyes had regressed, to give even more space to his greedily sucking maw. His first feelings of disgust had vanished and been replaced with an insatiable hunger for slerm eggs and slug-slime, anytime he was able to sense the presence of his new queen around him.

Her slimy touches felt like heaven, and every time she let her slimy hands slip over the swollen lips of his blind maw, he opened wide to welcome her slimy, swollen slug penis. He was the queen favorite eggsack now, storing her precious and transformative eggs inside his fat, slimy belly.

One day maybe, His queen would find another victim. A victim He could use to find his own humanoid slug-form, to join his queen and support her.




Oh. My. God. That was incredible.


Wait. What happened to him in the last picture? Is he dead?


Looks like he became another queen


No, he evolved into another slerm-queen that hatched out of the eggsack-body :0