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Hi there! Like I mentioned in the last post, I was a little sick last week.

It gave me quite some involuntary free-time to think about my contents here on patreon and there are a few points I would love to hear your honest oppinion about :3

Its been a few years now since I launched my patreon, and with your help I really achieved quite a bit in terms of finishing refsheets and draw more (naughty) sequences. Like a few of you might have noticed, writing is not one of my best skills tho, and It always gives me a hard time to write a good story for each of them.

I also noticed that the comic-pages I did often won the polls in the past, so I questioned myself if I should maybe move away from the "finished novel-like sequences" (which can also be a bit repetitive) and do more comic-pages with my own OCs or short stories :0

I would still do 3 monthly polls of course, switching from the current 3 optional novel-sequences and 1 comic-page option - to 3 comic pages per month with one optional TF sequence of a race you are interested to see :3

-Oh, And this poll only affects the 8$ tier, I will still continue to release one refsheet per month of course ^^

Tell me what you think and thank you all for your support ! ?(???)?<3



You could also team up with an author of...suitable taste? *Wink wink* Even if it's just for proofing


the only problem i have with your novels is that the "victims" all act as if they hadn't lived on merra for more than a week. apart from that theyre really rather hot and it would be a shame to lose them.


It depends on how the comics will be handled. I like the novels because they have lots of details added to them, but seeing a comic page with more panels and shots of the TF on a page would be pretty cool too.

General Cellron XD

I personally like all the ideas although I'd still like to see the novel sequences with written text as well as the comics and the sequences as they are all very good perhaps one of each but in the end it is up to you Lu and you are awesome at what you do this is my opinion and now you have asked for our opinions and we are hearing you loud and clear XD


Personally, I have to say that I do still enjoy the artwork in most stories. That being said, you may need a new angle for how the stories unfold. Maybe switch up the format. Try a diary-style or describe a transformation that takes place over days or maybe even weeks. The classic formula "victim enters situation -&gt;victim is exposed -&gt; victim transforms" has really been exhausted. As others have suggested, if you don't think you are able to develop your writing yourself, teaming up with a partner may be the way to go.


I feel far less critically towards your work then the opinions expressed above. I don’t think things you do are exhausted but then again I’m not the lorax of patreon! I do like the variety comics brings. You have a lot a lot a lot a lot of talent so getting to experience it a few different ways each month is pretty cool. Also I think voting for a comic page is going to be biased because people have more attachment to a comic a couple pages in then a one-off short story. Like they already voted for page 2 so not getting page 3 would leave an unsatisfying cliffhanger. I don’t think it’s a disinterest in your other types of formats. ^_^;


I also really like your short TF stories. I prefer those to your comics actually, so I'd be disappointed if you stopped doing them.