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“I think we found it!” Jasons voice sounded excited as the two scientists finally reached the ground of the giant ice cave. “Wow, thats beautiful!” Henry loosened the ropes that was securing him and followed his friend a few steps into the cave, which was filled with an almost magical, blue light.

“I never believed we would find something like this.” Jason nodded “The compass wasn’t a cheap copy it seems... this truly is the palace of the northern queen” The walls of the structure in front of them was made of almost transparent, blueish ice. Small rays of light reflected through the huge cave from various directions.

“Yeah, we finally found an evidence of the very first merran species... thats exciting!” Henry walked towards the middle of the cave: A giant, almost glass-like throne was standing among huge frozen spikes. “Yeah... and hopefully we can find the reason why the first human colonists turned into these... things...”

Jason huffed disdainfully “We know it was some kind of virus that turned them into the first merran hybrids... its an aggressive hybridisation that can be found everywhere on this damn planet...”

“-So lets be cautious” Henry nodded. “We are just here to find more answers for a permanent protection – They are counting on us in Legacy City and we sh-”

The small crystalline splinter Henry was carrying started to spin like crazy in his hand. “The compass... what is happening?!”

The glass-vial around the splinter shattered into a thousand pieces, as Henry stood there confused. A bright light flashed up in his eyes, as suddenly, the splinter was gone!

“What the?! Have you seen this?!” Henry looked over to his colleague Jason, who was starting to get closer to the throne. “Is something wrong?” Jason took a few steps up to inspect the structure of ice on the platform. A numb feeling was filling Henry’s body, followed by a quite pleasant warmth, flowing through his veins.

“-The.. The Compass! … I-It exploded as I came closer to the throne!” Henry looked at Jason and realized that something was wrong. The pleasant, warm feeling was filling his whole body now. “That’s bad Jason- really bad! We need to get out of here... this artifact might have been dangerous and highly - “

Henry suddenly felt a pressure around his whole body... it was like his clothes were trying to strangle him! “Jason... Wh-Whats happening to me?!” He quickly took off his gloves and saw dark pads forming on his palm. A massive pressure started to grow on his chest, while his tights stressed the fabric of his trousers more and more.

“hgnn... pleaf... Henry... hngh..” Long strands of warm drool ran over Jasons chin, as his jacket and shirt ripped open on his chest. “You are turning!” Jason screamed, trying to find something to help his friend.

“Hgnooo... feels shooo gooood!” Henry almost growled , as a pair of large tits pushed out of his shirt. He stumbled a few steps. The skin on his hand was peeling away, revealing a dark-furred paw while his feeds ripped open his expedition boots. Hot saliva dripped on his newly grown cleavage, as Henry noticed that his penis was slipping out of what was left of his trousers.

“You don’t know what you are saying! Its the animal taking over! - SHIT, where is my skirran vial?!

But Henry was unable to hear his friend. The sound of his own blood was pumping in his ears, while a dazy fog of lust clouded his mind. His gums felt numb now as well... something was changing inside of his skull.

Like under a spell, Henry grabbed his new breasts, realizing the skin on them was only a loose cover.

He moaned, as he started to peel away the obsolete human skin, revealing a pair oft soft, short-furred tits with obscenely big nipples. Jason was screaming something at him, but he couldn’t care less. More and more skin peeled from his new, slim body while he started to play with his nipples.

Somehow, it turned him on to be exposed like that in front of his colleague. His still human cock grew hard, as he saw Jason screaming at him. Henry noticed, he was also growing in size, while more drool poured out of his mouth.

His face felt flat... tight... something feral was wanting out. With his stiff cock leaking pre, Henry felt his skull elongating, pushing his skin away like an old, used piece of cloth as more warm drool ran over his furry tits.

“Feels shoo good Jahson...” Henry growled out of his feral snout, his cum-leaking penis dangling in front of him stiff.

Suddenly, there was something else. The more aroused Henry got, the more he felt a weird tickle in his right arm. He was horny, and the more he thought about having sex now, the worse it became...

His cock started to cum over and over again, as more and more lewd ideas grew in Henry’s mind... Ideas of feral, untamed sex with a female... His other arm started to tickle as well.. or a male one?...

His skin now almost completely gone, Henry felt a pleasant sensation traveling down his spine as it slowly elongated into a furry tail. His lust almost peaked, as he couldn’t resist the urge to reach out his right hand towards his friend, wishing he would turn into a female to give him release.

A puple light emitted from his palm and hit Jason. Surprised and socked, both scientists saw Jasons clothes dissolving into nothing, as the purple light seemed to transform him rapidly.

For a short time, Henry saw Jasons human penis as it grew stiff, before it bloated and grew back into his crotch, forming a feral dog-vulva.

“Wha are you doing to me?!” Jason screamed, as the light continued to change him “hrr... gahhwd, what is this.. it feels so … itchy... and .. great!”

Lewd thoughts filled Henrys mind, as he noticed that his own cock was slowly mutating, too. Lewd, meaty lips had started to form where his former testicles had been, greedily sucking in his hard shaft and turning it into a clit.

In a rush of malicious excitement, Henry saw his friend transforming further under the influence of his magical powers. “This feels good, doesn’t it?” Jasons body was lifted up and hovered in the air while the rest of his clothes disappeared in the magic flames that surrounded him.

“P-Please... D-Don’t stop! Jason plead exhausted, while his body slowly morphed into a much more feral shape that Henry. His once human hands and feet turned into furry paws, while three sets of tits formed on his furry belly. He also started to drool, corrupted by the pleasure and lust his new, dripping sex was causing and with a needy howl, Jasons head slowly transformed into the skull of a fox-like creature.

It took a few days until both scientist became used to their new bodies. It seemed, that most of the palace was still intact, and due to the fact that everything was frozen, they even found some food in in a cavern not far from the throne-room.

The Expedition had been an enormous success, even tho wether Henry nor Jason could return to Legacy city in their current form as new merrans.

Henry had noticed, that his new body was able to somehow manipulate molecules, making it able to change chromosomes and cell-structure of his targets to gender-bend them and infuse a certain amount of feral-fox-DNA.

“A very interesting fact, I think this could fill our gap of knowledge about the origin of merran species” He grinned as he changed the gender of his friend Jason over the days back and forth. “Don’t worry my friend, I will find a way to extract some of that feral DNA to turn you unto a more humanoid-fox version. And then -” The new primal shadow-bolgan closed an ancient grimoire she found next to the throne “We will start to search the other primal’s lairs!”



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