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(Sorry for the delay, again, here is the link to my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aeniyumf50b93fe/AADx54TQsiPYBxz6wq_TYcoVa?dl=0

(Password: Moonlight12)

(CYOA in the pdf)


“Please” A honey-sweet voice halled through the hallway of the old, abandoned tower.

“Come closer stranger” Oliver felt a little weak on his knees as he moved further. He had never been that far up in the old tower of the Falah-hive. In fact, he had always just watched the weird buildings of the falah-outpost from a safe distance.

“Dont be afraid, human, we are right here” The friendly female voice snickered a bit. The Falah had always been a mystery to Oliver and the rest of his village. Like if they had a silent agreement, both species lived side-by side in a dale not far from the jagged desert, fighting the monsters that every now and then tried to raid the calm, peaceful dale.

Once a year, the Falah send heralds into the village, to invite 2 villagers, a man and a woman, to join them in their well-protected castle.

Oliver reached a wooden door that was covered in a thick, clear and sticky substance. He looked outside the window to his right: It seemed like the back-part of the castle had somehow been transformed into an organic, slime-covered hive. Dozens of Falah drones crawled inside the broken structures, building more and more weird-looking cocoon-houses.

“Open the door, please... Im waiting”

Oliver hesitated for a moment. Then, out of a sudden a sweet smell entered his nose...like a mix of fresh flowers, combined with the taste of honey. Intrigued by the smell, Oliver opened the door and entered the room.

Two Falah Queens sat on pedestals next to a huge window, both bee-girls moaned, as Oliver entered the room. The smell in here was very intense, and Oliver felt his senses being obscured by the captivating odor.

A smacking noise filled the room, quite similar to the sound of someone licking a lillipop. It took Oliver a few moments, until he recognized one of the village girls, which was trapped inside the swollen abdomen of the insect-queen.

The girl looked dazed while her lower body was slowly sucked inside the tight opening of the bee-creature, which moaned and pressed her hands against her copious breasts, obviously enjoying the process.

“You can be just as happy as her my dear” The other queen whispered, while her swollen abdomen twitched on the ground. A slimy opening greedily smacked at the tip, spreading even more of the sweet smell.

“Take off your clothes and join usss!” The Falah queen lay back on the pedestal and spread her legs right in front of him. “Please your new queen” Her hands ran over her wet pussy, while her abdomen continued with its smacking noises.

The smell surrounded Oliver. “Yes, I will my queen... of course, my queen” Oliver started to slip out of his clothes...

“Ughhh... you feel so good, dear!” Oliver felt his lower body being sucked in a slimy, tight canal, as he came back to his senses. “Wh... what are you doing?!”

The Falah queen laughed with a needy tone in her voice “Shhhh... just enjoy it like your queen does!” Oliver felt his body being pushed deeper into the tight, slimy opening. His eyes wandered to the other side of the room, where the other Falah queen had started to push the head of the village girl inside her swollen abdomen with her insectile feet.

The girl plopped out every now and then gasping for air, while her face was already covered in the sticky efflux of the smacking opening of the insect abdomen.

With a last protesting scream, that was muffled by the slimy liquids, the girl finally disappeared inside the Falahs obscenely-large organ.

“What is happening to her?!” Oliver screamed at the Bee-girl that was slowly sucking him deeper. A sweet smell of honey was surrounding him again. “She is none of your business” The Falah moaned and grabbed Olivers shoulder “For now, just hold still and please me!”

Oliver felt his body being pushed deeper and deeper into the insect-abdomen. The Falah in the opposite corner of the room seemed to experience one massive climax after the other. Her abdomen had swollen and doubled its size, while something inside was obviously happening. Strands of thick slime quirted from the opening, as Oliver managed to see a massive, transforming body inside the semi-translucent organ.

“HH... hh...Dont look at her...” The Falah behind him moaned. Without a waring, Oliver felt a massive, insectile claw grabbing his head, pushing him a few inches deeper all of a sudden. “Hngrr bleargh” Olivers had dived into the tight, slimy canal for a few seconds. He slipped out again. His lower body was feeling weird...

It took Oliver a few more dives into the slimy, wet abdomen canal, to realize, that he was unable to use, or even feel his legs to push out of the abdomen with his own strength. In fact, Oliver felt that his lower body was nothing more than a useless, wiggling worm anymore, stimulating his mistress with every move he made.

“Hgnrr!” Oliver had no chance to resist the feet of the Falah anymore that pushed his long and wiggling body inside the tight, slimy canal.

He squirmed and struggled, as his head sunk back into the slime-filled organ. In horror Oliver felt the changes, that had already turned the lower half of his body into a useless worm, crawling upwards and closer towards his face.

“Hgrhnooo!” Oliver felt his mouth loosing form, as all of his body swelled up. The infectious slime the abdomen produced was slowly turning his former human skin into a dark, slimy membrane.

Oliver felt his arms fusing with his body as weird bulges grew everywhere on his body. Like a row of dozens of fleshy tits hanging loosely on his body, Oliver slowly turned from a male human into a disgusting, slimy worm.

He smacked and realized, that his mouth was nothing than a drooling opening anymore. In disbelief, he felt even his neck slowly fusing with the slimy sack that was forming his new body.

A wet, farting sound from the outside was signaling him that the girl had already finished her transformation: Instead of the former female, a disgusting, wet pupa-worm slowly slipped out of the other bees abdomen.

Oliver was only able to wiggle and drool anymore. His body felt formless and disgusting, as the Falah slowly pressed him out of her abdomen. He felt the slimy body of the girl, that had turned into a pupa as well below him, as his body squirted out strands of messy, sticky slime to hold Oliver in place.

It wasnt a bad feeling at all, just like a deep, weird sleep without a body. Oliver was still able to think, as he noticed that his body inside the pupa was slowly re-builded... He was able to hear his heartbeat.... he felt fingers!...w--- wings? Oliver tried to move again... some parts of his body felt unfamiliar..

Days later, Oliver was sure something wasnt right. A weird, needy feeling was filling his newly formed crotch that even grew worse when he pressed his legs together or tried to move. There was also a strange weight left on his chest... he didnt feel that strong anymore, too!

Oliver didnt make a move. The girl below him seemed to do the same, as they both waited until the buzzing noise had disappeared again.

Oliver felt that the pupa below him was moving forwards and slowly slipping away beneath him. A sound of slimy ripping and moans halled through the room, as a new Falah emerged from her tight prison. Confused, the person that had been a human girl a few days before spread her wings. “Ho gawd, what Is this?!!”

Curious, Oliver finally found his strength again and managed to open his own, slimy prison. Carefully, he climbed out of the slimy cocoon, as he saw a pair of obscenely formed breasts dangling from his chest.

“This... this cant,be..!” The wings on his back started to buzz and lift him up. In horror, Oliver looked past his newly grown breasts: Just a patch of hairs was growing where his cock had been days before. Carefully, he touched the short hairs on his new, hairy snatch. “wh... what have they done?!”

The girl-falah from the other cocoon looked at him in a weird way. “Thats... not helping!!”

She moaned while her eyes had focussed on Olivers crotch.

It took him a moment before he realized what the girl was talking about: A leathery sack was dangling between her legs, together with a stiff, throbbing cock that was obviously ready to mate.

Oliver spread his legs a little further, feeling an uncontrollable lust ascending inside him. Teasing a male like this was really feeling...powerful! Oliver leaned back in mid-air, while his fingers played with his lewd lips that slowly turned wet. “come and get me you little cock-beast”

He snickered, as he saw the stiff penis almost answering him with a drip of pre on its tip.

