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Whew, this sequence was quite long! Here is th elink to the Dropbox with all files and sequences: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aeniyumf50b93fe/AADx54TQsiPYBxz6wq_TYcoVa?dl=0 

Password: Moonlight12 

Sam kicked in the rusty doors of the old greenhouse. A strange smell entered his nose, as the human male entered the abandoned building. The Sun was already setting and so it took a few seconds until Sams eyes got used to the dark room around him.

He knew this was Nanas greenhouse, but since his girlfriend Jessy had disappeared a few weeks back, right after she had won a gardening contest against Nana, Sam figured it would be a good idea to start at the Ketorans greenhouse.

The place looked abandoned tho. “Hm, not even the light is working anymore” Sam flipped a switch several times without any effect. “I thought these girls were really into this whole gardening-shit”. His steps muffled by the mulch below his shoes, Sam sneaked deeper into the darkness.

Carefully, he took out his flashlight and hold still for a second- was that a movement over there? Sam hold his breath and just listened. Something like a slimy, wet smacking was halling through the greenhouse, combined with a constant, dripping sound.

Carefully, Sam turned on his flashlight and looked around the corner. The room right after the entrance was illuminated by a few very dirty windows which blocked most the light from outside.

The gardening desks in front of him were filled with a bunch of pumpkins, the table to his right was covered in a thick, milky slime. As Sam came closer, he noticed a lot of insects that seemed to gather around the smelly white mess. “What the - “ The strong smell of female sweat was spreading from the viscous slime and mixed with the odor of the mulch that filled the whole greenhouse.

Suddenly a high-pitched shriek halled from the other desk. Sam turned around, as the light of his flashlight hit a small, disgusting creature that seemed to sit between the pumpkins!

No, it was more like it WAS a Pumpkin, but somehow mixed with the twisted upper body of a female. Its eyeless head had an almost phallic form with something like a tiny, screaming mouth at its end.

In the very moment Sam tried to reach out for a shovel and silence the ugly creature, something slipped around his arm. A strong, wet and strangely pulsing tentacle had twisted around him, as Sam felt something curling around his leg, too!

“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!” He screamed as even more slimy tentacles tried to grab him. Sam took a closer look on the warm, pulsing thing that was slowly squeezing his arm. In horror, he saw that the tentacle was covered in the soft, sweaty skin of a penis. 

The male smell of the organ instantly followed, as the orange foreskin revealed a slimy glans, that already dripped with pre. Sam tried to get away, but it was like more and more cock-tentacles appeared around him. “Stop it, Hnoo.. I will hmmmff!” A Thick and warm Penis slowly curled around Sams neck and muffled his words.

Moments later, the strong cock-like tentacles had entangled Sams whole body. The musky smell of the penis around his neck filled his nose, as Sam saw the slimy glans slipping out under its foreskin right on his face.

In horror, Sam realized, that the hot pre that was dripping from the obscene tentacles had started to dissolve his clothes. Parts of his legs were already naked as more and more cocks appeared around him.

Suddenly, a deep female moan halled through the greenhouse. Sam tried to turn around, but was only able to see even more, even thicker cocks coming from behind.

“Please... let me go!” He felt something hot  and slimy slipping inside his shirt from below. As he looked down, he saw a wet bulge slowly coming closer to his face. Another thick penis had pushed inside his shirt and grew thicker, stressing the fabric like a non-elastic condom.

“Maaale smell.... I want!” The deep female voice groaned right behind Sam, before the grip around him tightened and he was turned around by the strong tentacles.

At first, Sam coulnt believe what he was seeing: Two massive tits dangled right in front of him, but the head of the creature almost looked like one of the cock-like tentacles. Instead of the usual foreskin, a drooling mouth with swollen lips formed an opening at its and. The arms of the creature also resembled two massive cocks, both bigger that a solid log of wood.

“P-please... “ Sam started, as he saw the massive breasts of the creature in front of him: Instead of nipples, a hard, swollen penis rested on each of them.

“Join usss” the creature moaned, and before Sam was able to answer, its drooling mouth slowly came closer to his face.

Sam felt the hot, soft lips of the Fexa touching his face, before the tongue of the creature mercilessly pushed inside his own mouth. Desperate, Sam thought about the option to bite the creature to escape, but strangely started to enjoy the feeling of the long, deep kiss.

A weird, sucking feeling started to appear in Sams stomach. He wasnt sure what it was, but somehow, Sam felt better and better in the embrace of the massive creature.

Carefully, the Fexa lifted him up. All of Sams clothes had dissolved by now, and all he was feeling was the soft touch of her tentacles on his skin. The Fexas mouth came close to his face, as Sam felt a struggle in his mind: Something inside him really wanted to kiss these full, drooling lips.... suck every little bit of milky spit from it. The other part of him still struggles and felt insecure, almost obedient. For a few seconds, Sam tried to decide what he should do next

Long strands of drool dripped from the slimy lips of the Fexa, as her blind head came closer again. With a needy grin, the creature licked her lips one more time and continued her sucking kiss.

The weird feeling in Sams stomach grew stronger and turned into a prickle, which soon filled his whole lower body. A pleasureful moan escaped his throat, as he felt the massive lips of his mistress sucking on his mouth. The feeling of the slimy tentacles slipping over his body turned Sam on out of a sudden. He moaned again and felt the thick tongue of the Fexa pushing inside him.

The prickling feeling had now reached Sams chest, and as the kiss continued, he felt like his crotch was burning with lust. The Fexa stopped for a moment, to give Sam a moment to breathe, as he realized how much the kiss of the creature had changed him already:

His own, stiff cock had shrunk between his legs, two massive bulges had formed on his chest. “Wh.. what?” Sam stopped, as he realized, that his voice sounded way more female by now. “What are you doing?”

The Fexa grinned “Male tastes good.... makes more cocks!” The blind head of the Fexa nodded to a bulge that had formed further down on her body: A small, new penis was slowly growing out of her fruiting body. “That your male part... I will store...”

Sam looked at the small bulge in disbelief.  The slimy little Fexa tentacle almost looked exaclty like his own cock.... ”You girl soon!” The Fexa grinned, as suddenly, Sam felt another tentacle greedily pushing its dripping glans against his testicles, creating smacking farts.

An obscene opening had formed right between his shaft and testicles, framed by a slimy membrane that obviously was the beginning of a transformation of Sams cock into a vulva.

Sam was in a daze as he looked at the full lips of the Fexa one more time. “Alright Mistress, I wanna be with you from now on.” Sam spread his legs and closed his eyes to let the creature finish its work.

The slimy lips came closer for the last time, and Sam felt more and more of his manliness being sucked out of his body. A shudder of lust erupted, as the hard glans of the cock-tentacle finally slipped inside his transformed crotch. 

The feeling of his own cunt embracing the hard, merciless shaft that drilled inside him was breathtaking, and a deep moan escaped his throat. More and more of his skin turned into a soft, greenish tone and a pair of wood-like horns grew out of his head, while the thick tentacle was pleasing his new, female nethers. 

Sam screamed, as he felt the hard glans slipping inside his tight new vagina. More tentacles slipped over every inch of his body, pleasing him, turning him on. 

Sam felt dirty, as he spread his legs wide open, to invite the cock to fuck him even harder. With a deviant pleasure, Sam watched the massive, sweaty shaft of the Fexa twitching and pushing inside his swollen, wet cunt, while more tentacles played with his newly grown tits, squirting their filthy load all over him.

Sams whole figure had grown more and more feminine, as the Fexa finally let go of him, releasing Sam into his new life as a Fexa Spawn that had to take care of the young sprouts of the grove.




Its on the pdf, Patron does not support any multiple choice options :3


LOL!! What is funny with your stories is that apparently most of the people on Merra don't know anything about the Merran "fauna". If I was surrounded by dozens species of creatures preying on my kind to take away my brain and my cock while giving me boobs and a pussy, you could be sure I would learn anything I could about it... in my case, to be prepared to flee as far as possible if one day I happened to come face to face with one of them.


I absolutely love your cyoc stories. Can't wait to see more ❤


yeah, i always found that very strange. All of the Protagonists act as if all this transformation stuff is totally unknown to them. It's as if theyre from a world that doesnt have these monsters and just got transported into this one recently. so they acclimatized to monsters beeing everywhere, but havnt internalized how to act in this world. The situations are certainly hot, but none of your protagonists acts in the least bit believable.


Indeed, I've had the same thoughts. I'm certainly not complaining, because I love how these stories go, but you definitely have to suspend disbelief as to how naive these characters behave.