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„Quite an exotic view“ Kai leaned over the stony balustrade as he watched the city in front of him. Against everything he had heard about the Lyrans before, they seemed to be quite peaceful and friendly towards strangers.

As an adventurer, Kai and his group were on their way to an ancient ruin, as they stumbled into a Lyran ambush. Totally outnumbered, Kai was already prepared for the worst, as a quite impressive Naga-Lyran called back the warriors.

She told them her name was Nizsha, and she was the commander of this part of the tribe. To apologize for the sudden ambush and the “bad behaviour” of her warriors, Nizsha insisted to invite the group to stay in their city for the night.

Kai, still a bit tired, flexed his arms a bit and yawned. A warm breeze touched his face as he walked along the balustrade in his morning-clothes.

Suddenly, the grinding sound of something heavy slithered closer. Kai turned around and saw a brown Naga girl with tael-green eyes coming closer. Nizsha grinne dimpish, as she stoped in front of the young man.

“You resssted well, human?” She hissed, while her forked tongue darted out of her mouth frequently.

Kai nodded “Yes, I have to thank you. Its always better to have a bed than just sleep on the ground somwhere out there in the wilds” Nizsha still grinned and said nothing, her arms behind her back.

“Weeell... As soon as me and my friends are back in Tinora, I will make sure to tell everyone that you Lyrans are not nearly as bad as the people say”

Nizsha tilted her head “You want to leave ussss?” Kai felt a bit uncomfortable. Nizsha was way bigger than him and he wasn´t sure what she was up to. “Yeah, you know, we wanted to explore the ruin up that rock!”

As if Niszha was ignoring him, she continued to hiss “You can´t leave usss!.... your friendsss will make great workerssss!” Her long body was slowly curling closer around Kai “And you will be a perfect sssissster!”

In a quick movement, The naga had curled around Kai and lifted him up. He felt something warm and wet touching his crotch, as he realized, he was sitting right on a oozing slit that had to be the Nagas genitals. Thick, sticky slime gushed out of the swollen slit as the snake started to get aroused by Kai´s bulged boxers.

Against his will, Kai slipped over the soft, giant cunt, as his crotch became soaked in slime, causing a weird boner that let his cock slip out of his shorts.

“P-please, don´t do that...! I I-will tell noone to come here... your city will be safe, I promise!!

“promisssse?” Nizsha repeated. “I will make a promissse, too!”She grabbed Kais shoulder, as she put some kind of metal-clamp into his mouth. “It will tassste funny in the beginning....”

Kai felt Nizsha´s claws ripping away his clothes, as his body was forced down between her snake-abdomen. “Pweafe... lep me go!” The clamp in his mouth made it difficult to speak and hold back the constant stream of drool in Kai´s mouth.

Nizsha grinned and looked down on him, as the young male was trapped in the curls of her massive snake body. The slit on which Kai had sat before was now right in front of his face, long strands of thick slime was running down the glistening scales of the Snake-girl.

“ I will let you choossse” Nizsha smiled triumphantly. Her hand slowly came closer the scaled, swollen slit that seemed to bulge out even more. “I downt wanna! Pleafe! Noh!”

Niszha just smiled and looked down on him, as her other hand slowly stretched open her slimy cunt.

Kai almost puked, as he saw two massive penises slowly slipping out of the massive organ. Soaked in sticky slime, the male organs swelled up like blind snakes reaching out aimlessly from their prison. “You choosse which one you want human..”

Kai felt the hot sticky skin of the cocks touching his chest, as they came dangerously close to his mouth, which was held open by the metal clamp. He wasn´t even able to bite to get out of this situation!

“Neifer! Juft let me...!” Nizsha interrupted him with a happy hiss “Sssseh lower one?! I knew you were a ssssubmissssive sssissster....!

Violently, The snake-girl grabbed Kais head, as the male, potent smell of her cocks creeped up his nose. Carefully, she lifted up the lower penis as she lined it up with the clamp in Kai´s mouth “A good ssssuck of sssnake meat you have chossen!” She pulled Kais head close, as he felt the glans of the erected cock slipping inside his throat.

A salty taste was flooding Kais mouth and throat. The glans of the penis slipped against the inside of his mouth, as his face was drawn closer to the drooling snatch in front of him. “Hnnn... pfeafe...”

The small of the other cock filled his nose, as his face grinded over the scaly genital that smeared its sticky pre all over him. Nizsha spreaded her snatch wide open with one hand, as her other hand forced Kais head to take the cock deep-throat.

In horror, Kai tried to close his mouth, but the clamp was sitting too tight and blocked it.

Taking a breath was challenging enough, while a smacking, farting sound indicated that his throat was fucked by a massive snake-penis.

Nizsha moaned, as she rubbed her other cock feverishly, drool dripped from her chin, as she reached her climax and a gush of hot, salty snake-semen squirted inside Kais throat.

Kais nethers felt numb. He wasn´t sure if it was because of the constant pressure Nizsha´s body had caused, or because he wasn´t able to breathe for the last minutes without inhaling the stench of a massive snake-genital.

Dazzled and confused, Kai tumbled backwards, away from the cock he had just sucked on. The clamp in his mouth had fallen off, as he felt his jaws opening wider than before...

In horror, Kai realized, that his lips had stretched over a scaled snout that had pushed out of his skull while he had sucked the Lyrans cock. His tongue slipped out frequently, as he tried to form words “Whatssss happening to mee?!”

His chest had formed bulges and his skin has ripped open everywhere, revealing brownish scales below. “you made me a sssnake!!!!”” Kai hissed, as his fingers teared away the loose skin on his chest. Two massive, scaled tits dangled in the warm breeze.

“And you are perfect, ssssisster!” Nizsha replied “Look at your titssss.... look at your cockssss!”

Confused, Kai looked down his body. His legs had fused together and formed a long, snake abdomen. As if it wasn´t difficult enough to hold the balance with a new body like that, Kai felt a weird pressure right below his belly.

A massive, scaled bulge was sitting in front of his former crotch, right where his human cock had been a few minutes before. In disbelief, Kai touched the soft, slimy slit, rubbed over the scales and finally came closer the meaty lips that sealed the insides. With a loud moaning hiss, Kai spreaded his new sex as a pair of massive, scaled penises slipped out with a wet smack.

Nizsha moaned and came, as she saw Kai exploring his new orifices. “You are my ssssisster now.... your sssnakes will turn your friendsss into nice workersss!”

With a needy look in her eyes, Nizsha lifted up her cocks, while her other hand carefully slipped over a hole below. “ssssnakehole” she hissed, as the tight opening started to move and twitch. “Ssssisterss like uss, give birth to sssnake ssservants.... they fuse with othersss and turn them into our ssslaves”

Nizshas face cramped, as he rboy seemed to induce some kind of weird labor. The hole in the soft slit twitched again, as suddenly, the head of a snake pressed out of it, hissing angrily. Nizsha moaned, as the creatures long body slowly slipped out of her slit “Their ssss... bodies fuuse hh...” - she took a break to press again “fuuse withhh victimssss.... turning them into... sssnake ssslaves”

Disgusted about what just happened, Kai tried to get away from Nizsha, but he still wasnt able to control his new body well enough. Suddenly, his whole belly felt swollen and heavy, as a pressure was building in his nethers.

Suddenly, a strong urge to press filled Kais whole body, as he bended backwards. A weird feeling of unbearable lust filled him, as he felt his own sex twitch and stretch. An angry hiss suddenly escaped the hole below his new cocks, as the disgusting head of a snake pushed out below, covered in thick slime.

Nizsha grinned exhausted “Cant wait to sssshow thiss to your friendsss”

(A Lyrans vagina is in her throat. Once a Lyran is impregnated orally, her belly swells up and they give birth ot 2-4 eggs that come out of their stretcheable mouths)

(to be continued..?)



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