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„Shit, where am I?!“ Vic slowly opened his eyes as he realized he was barely able to move. He tried to remember what had happened last night, to find out where he was. „Well that party at the farm really escalated I guess..“ Vics eyes slowly got used to the darkness around him. Soon he realized that he was in some kind of barn.

Slowly, the momories of dancing horse-girls came back into Vics mind: He remembered he had been on some kind of Equinian celebration! „The Monians won the racing cup!“ Just the moment Vic tried to shout out loud what had just came back into his mind, the young man realized that something was stuffed in his mouth blocking his speech.

Confused, Vic tried to reach out and touch whatever was stucking between his jaws as he realized that he was not only tied up, but also naked in this barn! „HW HW! Sutf a ftupid joke... you weally got me guyf...“ Vic mumbled through whatever was blocking his mouth. Vic slowly grew angry about the childish joke his friends had obviously played on him.

His anger quickly vanished, as Vic heard heavy steps coming closer. With a creaking noise, the door of the barn was opened, as a huge shilouette stood in the door frame.

Confused and a little worried, Vic realized that it was the horse-like appearence of an Equinian blocking the entrance to the barn he was sitting in. „I hope you have slept well after our small celebration“

The horse-human stepped inside the barn. The light from the sun outside flooded the room. The Equinian was naked, too and came closer, his massive testicles dangled with every step as he stopped right in front of Vic.

Vic tried to say something, as the Equinian grinned down on him. The sheath above the leathery brown sack was slowly opening! „You have no idea how much we had to hold ourselves back last night. There are never enough mares after such an exhausting event for any of us...“

Slowly, the stallion spreaded his legs a bit. „Luckily“ he began, as his meaty horsecock slipped free from it´s sheath „We met you and your friends out here“ With a triumphant grin, he grabbed the long shaft that was hanging between his legs „I just milked this mare-juice from one of your friends... he had become such a cockhungry slut... he even licked my balls just to get stuffed again!

In horror, Vic hadn´t listened to anything the stallion had said. The smell of the giant horse-penis filled his nose as it slipped out. Disgusted, the young man tried to turn away, as the stiff organ came dangerously close.

The Equinian laughed as he continued to rub a milky substance around his veiny shaft. „Don´t you even try... you will be a slut for my cock, just like your friends are now. I am the alpha stallion of the herd, and you are my mare now!“

Vic tried to get away, but the strong hands of the stallion had already grabbed his head and pulled him close. The hot skin of the horsecock touched Vics face, as the young mans nose was pressed into the leathery testicles. „Dont fight it... you cant resist it...“

Suddely, the smell of male sweat and pre that had filled Vics nose turned into a sweet and tasty odor. „N-No!let me go, don´t do that!!“ Vic tried to fight it, as the Equinian removed his mouthpiece.

„It´s ´the scent of a mare in heat... you cant resist this, even as a human!“ The horse snorted „Especially not if its on such a beautiful cock like mine... you have to give in“

While his mind was still struggling with his thoughts, his body was already betraying him: Vic felt his own penis slowly growing stiff over the smell of female pheromones creeping up his nose.

A part of him almost wanted to puke, as he slowly let his tongue run over the horses errected cock that was covered in the sweet odor.

„You see... you like it haha... and soon“ - The horse grabbed Vics head a little harder „ - you will be ready and more than willing to mate!“

In a mix of bliss and disgust, Vics tongue licked along the hard cock of the stallion over and over, as he noticed his own body feeling weird out of a sudden. The ropes that had tied together his arms suddenly ripped apart, as Vic felt his muscles growing stronger.

With an increasing hunger, Vic licked over the stallions crotch willingly now. He didn´t care about male or female anymore, what he was doing was just right! A Heavy weight started to grow on his chest, as he bended forwards to suck at the tip of the corsecock.

With a strong pull, The stallion lifted Vic up. A bit confused and insecure, Vic thought he would stand on his toe-tips for a moments: He had grown bigger! His legs had become muscular while his feet had turned numb. Still influenced by the tste of the female pheromones, Vic realized that his feet slowly grew into massive hoofes!

The Stallion grabbed his face and turned him around. Still in bliss but with atrace of fear, Vic saw two heavy tits now resting on his chest, dangling from left to right, as the stallion pulled him closer.

„Time for your cute face to get the right proportions for my massive cock, slut!“ Vic felt his face elongate, as a equine snout grew out it. „Gahhwd... please... hnnn...“ he stumbled, as he saw the impressive cock of the Stallion dangle between his legs.

„Please what?“ The stallion grinned, as he pressed his hard shaft into Vics crotch. „You are almost there, slut... You dont have to wait that much longer and I will make you suck it...“

A wet, slimy noise filled the barn, as the stallions cock grinded against Vics own testicles from below. A sudden feeling of emptiness filled his crotch, a feeling that almost felt like hunger, but paired with an erotic expectation, Vic had never felt before.

The hand of the Equinian touched his nethers, as Vix moaned out loudly. „Haha, yes, here comes the fuckhole!“ A slipping noise ascended from Vics nethers, as he was unable to see what was happening to him. Suddenly, it felt like something was pushing inside him! Vic felt every inch of the strong male finger slowly travelling further, until a deep moan escaped his new snout.

„Enough playing with your new useless cunt for the moment, I will take care of that later!“ Vic groaned, as he felt the fingers being pulled out of his new favorite orifice. Unpleased but exhausted, Vic sunk to his knees, eager to explore his new sex for himself. Hi sbody was covered in a soft brown fur now. Carefully, his strong new hands travelled over a pair of massive breasts that had grown on his chest. Vics pelvis had become broad and feminine, amazed by the feeling of it, his fingers started to stroke over the soft skin below his navel. Where once his penis had been, only a soft bulge was visible now. Curious, Vic let his hand slip a bit further down, as he touched a pair of soft, wet lips. The previous feeling of hunger and excitement filled out his nethers, as Vics fingers traveled a bit further, carefully plowing through the soft folds of his new pussy until it reached a warm, wet hole further down.

Impatient, the stallion pulled on Vics hair, which had grown into long strands. „You can masturbate later with that... now please me, bitch!“ Violently, Vic was turned around, the stiff horsecock of the stallion was pointing straight up into his face. A new smell was filling his nostrils: Male and potent, long strands of pre dripped from the tip of the errected penis.

Still confused of being male or female, Vic felt the hot cock pushing over his lips. „Good slut... eat it... take it deep-throat...“ A part of Vic was still disgusted by the thought of sucking at a male genital, Vic slowly moved his head back and forth, swallowing the veiny shaft like a good mare.

Deeper and deeper, the stallion forced the meaty shaft down his throat, as Vic slowly started to enjoy it. He closed his eyes, as his hand traveled down between his tights again. Carefully emulating the violent thrusts of the hot cock, Vic started to imagine how it would feel if the cock of the stallion would penetrate his new vagina instead of his throat. Tears of joy runned down his cheeks, as Vic fingered himself while sucking on the full length of the equine cock.



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