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Narioks are always driven by the thought of optimizing theirselves. This and the fact they learned a lot about technology as humanities last mothership crashed into the oceans of merra, make the nariok one of the most advanced races to date.

with their ethical standards still pretty low, a lot of Narioks have no problem with using the technology they found to try out mutations on their test-subjects, or even theirselves.

The Nariok brute is an excellent example about how far Nariok scientists had gone in the past. While the regular Nariok can be male or female, the nariok brute is a heavily-optimized and incredible strong herm. The side effect of theit massive body is, that they easily fall back into a feral behaviour when provoked.

For that reason, the scientists created a collar, filled with a strong tranquilizer, which injects small doses directely into the brutes neck.

In addition to the tranquilizer, Brutes also carry a quite strong mutagenic substance in their collar, that can be activated as a last resort. Once the mutagenic substance has entered the body of a brute, It will transform into a Nariok berserker, one of the most feral and dangerous creatures, compareable to a deep-sea snapper.



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