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The sun was already setting, as Carol took the steps to the main temple complex. The Golden City of the Avox around her was shimmering in the last rays of sunlight, as the young female was escorted by 2 Phelonas guards.

„Everything alright?“ Zolas, one of the guards looked a bit worried. The red feathers of the pheonix  had an almost magical glow, as the light of the sun slowly dissappeared behind the roof of the temple.

„Y-Yeah“ Carol answered. She looked down to the stairway, which was covered in petals of fireblooms. The Avox had gathered everywhere at the stairs to withness the spectacle. A few of them even bowed their heads as Carol passed by – she had been prepared for this moments for years. And yet, she started to feel uncomfortable to soon join the ranks of the phelonas.

„This... „ Carol looked up to Zolas as they finally stood in front of the gates of the sanctum. „This isn´t going to hurt... is it?“ Zolas looked down to her friend. Her warm eyes seemed to glow like embers, friendly and merciful, but also inscrutable and mysterious. 

The door opened as harps started to play and the trio stepped inside „This isn´t regular Phelonas fire my dear“ Zolas voice was speaking to carol in a telepathic way.

A little insecure, Carol stepped up on the gallery to begin the ceremony. „The amulet will protect you, It will be feeling good, I promise.“ The music became louder, as the high priestess began her chanting and came closer. With an urn filled with glowing ashes in her hands, she turned to the crowd, which turned silent in a blink of an eye.

„We gathered today, to welcome the newest member of the eternal-guards, a brave soul that had proven worthy to protect this hidden town and all of its inhabitants. May all her burdens and weaknesses burn here today, leaving only her individual flame!“

She dropped the ashes onto the pile of wooden sticks, Carol was standing on. A servant took off her clothes, as the flames started to slowly rise around the young girl. The amulet on her chest began to glow and turn warm... comfortable warmth, not heat. In seconds, the flames reached Carols feet and legs, and like she had learned in years of her asceticism, it didn´t hurt at all.

It was like the flames did nothing to her naked body. Like a warm breeze, they touched her skin, as Carol suddenly felt ther energy rising inside her. Her feet started to glow like the burning wood beneath her, as if the flames merged with her out of a sudden. 

No smoke filled the room, as the priestes continued her chanting. Carok felt something changing inside of her. A warm flame inside, travelling upwards from her legs into her crotch, filling her stomach and chest. A little confused, She saw patched of reptile-like scaled forming on her shins.

Somehow, the heat was arousing her now. She felt her libido kicking in, as her most primitive urges  tried to take over. „f... focus!“ She felt a hundred eyes on her, as her pussy swelled up in heat, dripping lustful liquids into the hot ashes below. „why... ugh.. why is that...“

Carol tried to bite her teeth together, but something was wrong inside her mouth. In disbelief, she tried to move her tongue over her gums, but everything inside her mouth had become harder than before. Strands of drool dripped from her chin, as something pushed out from between her lips mercilessly.

Ashamed of the fact she was loosing control over her body, Carol tried to hide her dripping pussy and mouth, as the flames seemed to make it worse. Her breasts grew heavy and she felt something was happening to her nethers, as a weird pressure builded up inside her female sex. It was like... she was going to come! „Hnn... pleasem hno, not now... not here...“ Carol tried to fight the twitching feeling filling her vagina, which contracted and relaxed in lust.

Unable to hold it anymore, Carol let out a scream, as suddenly something pushed out of her mouth. In horror, she realized a yellow beak bursting out from between her jaws, pushing her lips to the side like a useless waste of skin.

More and more skin on her body burned away or ripped open, revealing a yellowish, wrinkly skin. Carol was afraid: This looked nothing like a Phelonas! Was she turning into a weird kind of snapper?.

Her toes had become clawed reptile feet, confused, The young girl looked at her hands, which had also turned into 4-fingered claws, covered in ugly reptile skin.

In the meantime, her beak had ripped open most of her old face, which wa shanging from her cheeks like an old mask still dripping with fluids. Finally, red feathers started to grow from the yellowish skin, as Carol sighted in relieve.

The weird pressure in her crotch had intensified, as something was pushing out of her cunt now. With wet noises, Carol saw her clit growing bigger and longer, slowly pushing out from between her labia, as a lewd, fleshy sack already dangled between her tights.

The obscene form of a cock stretched her cuntlips, as her vagina grew outwards into a phallic shape. This was feeling weird! An unknown weight now dangling stiffly in front of the former female made Carol feeling just as uncomfortable as the fact, that everyone around her was able to see her junk now!

„P- Please...“ She tried to speak, but her beak was making it quite hard to articulate words properly „ Don´t look!“ 

Suddenly, she felt something pushing out from her shoulders. Whatever was left o her skin was stretching and ripping, as a pair of wings grew out of her back. Unused to use this second pair of arms, Carol tried to move them carefully, as they slowly unfolded behind her.

Flames now started to emerge directely from her body, like if her very flesh was burning. The cock between he rlegs had grown into a massive junk, twitching and dripping in anticipation.

She was now a part of the eterna-guard now, and she would protect the golden city as best as she was able to.

